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Best health insurer in Switzerland 2024

This year, together with the market research institute Innofact, Comparis has once again surveyed the Swiss population to assess how satisfied they are with different companies. In May 2024 we gathered the opinions of 4,500 people from all four language regions of Switzerland regarding their satisfaction with companies and their services.

They assessed the following aspects:

  • Value for money

  • Touchpoints and contact

  • Quality and service

  • Information and transparency

The participants each give a rating of 1 (worst) to 6 (best). A rating of 4 means “sufficient”. In addition, overall satisfaction with the company is assessed, also on a scale from 1 to 6. These four aspects and overall satisfaction are used to calculate a weighted average.

The new Comparis Quality Label gives an award to the providers with the best ratings:

  • Providers with a Comparis Rating of 5.5 or higher: Platinum

  • Providers with a Comparis Rating of 5.2 to 5.4: Gold

  • Providers with a Comparis Rating of 5.0 and 5.1: Silver

Customer satisfaction survey 2024

Provider Category Rating Characteristics
ÖKK Gold 5.2 Winner quality and service, winner information and transparency, winner touchpoints and contact, winner overall satisfaction
Swica Silver 5.1
Agrisano Silver 5.0
Aquilana Silver 5.0
Concordia Silver 5.0
Helsana Silver 5.0
KPT Silver 5.0
Sana 24 Silver 5.0
Visana Silver 5.0
Vivacare Silver 5.0
Atupri 4.9
CSS 4.9
EGK-Gesundheitskasse 4.9
Sanitas 4.9
Sympany 4.9
Avenir 4.8
Easy Sana 4.8
Mutuel Assurance 4.8
Philos 4.8
Supra 4.8
Assura 4.6


Comparis also awards additional quality labels to health insurers: “Ethical Customer Acquisition” and “No Telemarketing”. What’s more, Comparis has been handing out its Efficiency Award since 2015; this goes to the Swiss health insurers with the lowest administrative costs.

Does your health insurer skimp on service?

Whether it’s just for you or for your whole family, find the right health insurance in 2025. You can calculate premiums on Comparis and request several non-binding quotes via our brokerage partner Optimatis.