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Concordia: reviews and experiences

5 / 6

Comparis Rating

Customer satisfaction with Concordia

Comparis regularly surveys the Swiss population on their satisfaction with basic insurance. The result of the most recent survey is:

5 / 6

Comparis Rating


Value for money

4.8 / 6

Performance: quality and service

5 / 6

Information, communication and transparency

5 / 6

Convenience of touchpoints and contacts

4.9 / 6

Overall satisfaction

5 / 6



About Concordia

About Concordia

In 1914, when the Health and Accident Insurance Act (KUVG) was introduced, Concordia emerged from the Health Insurance Association of the Swiss Catholic People's Association. At first, its head office was in Zug. In 1919, Concordia moved to Lucerne.
On 1 January 2007, the Concordia Swiss Health and Accident Insurance Association assigned their health and accident insurance business to the newly founded corporation which carries the same name. The new corporation also took over all rights and obligations of the association. The corporation was integrated into a holding structure (Concordia Participations Ltd). As sole shareholder, the Concordia Association maintained control over the health insurance business.

Benefits covered under basic insurance

Benefits of the mandatory basic insurance are prescribed by law. Therefore, the benefits are consistent among all insurance providers.

Switching to Concordia for basic insurance

There is complete freedom to choose one's provider of mandatory basic insurance. Therefore, health insurance providers must accept all insured persons irrespective of age, gender or state of health. However, attention should be given to the health insurers' notification periods when changing one's insurance.

Where is Concordia active?

Concordia offers its standard model of mandatory basic insurance throughout Switzerland. In addition, Concordia also offers alternative insurance models (HMO and family doctor model). However, these models are not available in all regions and cantons. You can find out most easily if they are offered in your place of residence by making a premium comparison. concordiaMed is a 24-hour health advisory service available to all policyholders of Concordia. If you have medical concerns or uncertainties, qualified experts are able to advise you on the phone.

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Company details

Reserves of health insurance company Concordia

The supervision data as published by the FOPH can be viewed on − is not liable for the correctness of the data. Updated: 01.01.2024
Number of insured persons


Reserves in millions of CHF


Minimum reserves in millions of CHF


Solvency ratio


Admin efficiency

When is a health insurance company efficient? Health insurance companies with administrative costs < 4.2% of premiums are efficient.

Data collection: 5.2024

Administration costs

4,3% of premiums


Concordia Schweiz. Kranken- und Unfallversicherung AG Bundesplatz 15 6002 Luzern 041 228 01 11

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