Compare pet insurance and save
Find the right pet insurance for your dog or cat in Switzerland.
Why Comparis can help you find the right pet insurance
We can help you make the right decision for your needs.
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Compare different pet insurance providers – free of charge and with no obligation.
We can help you make the right decision for your needs.
Enormous potential savings
Get an overview of current premiums.
Quick and easy
Compare different pet insurance providers – free of charge and with no obligation.
Your essential guide to pets
Arrange your pet insurance in 4 steps
In the first step, choose whether you want to insure a dog or a cat. Next, provide additional information about your pet.
We’ll display all available deals in your personal results list. You can then see how adjusting the cover affects the price of your premiums.
Make your selection. Then, request a quote through our brokerage partner Optimatis. You’ll receive your no-obligation quotes by email, so you can compare them at your leisure.
Dieser Vergleich enthält Produkte von Anbietern, die Offert-/Kontaktanfragen von Optimatis entgegennehmen. Die Anbieter in diesem Vergleich nutzen die von Comparis angebotene Schnittstelle.
Die Reihenfolge der Suchresultate entspricht objektiv messbaren Kriterien gemäss gewähltem Filter. Hiervon ausgeschlossene Angebote sind deutlich als «Anzeige» ausgewiesen.
Comparis möchte 80 Prozent des Marktes in einem Vergleich abbilden. Aktuell ist das beim Tierversicherungsvergleich jedoch nicht möglich. Wir bilden hier zwei von fünf Anbietern ab.
Lohnt sich eine Tierversicherung?
Das hängt von der Höhe der Prämie und den angebotenen Leistungen ab. Ausserdem übernehmen die Versicherungen meist nur 80 bis 90 Prozent der Kosten. Vergleichen Sie daher die verschiedenen Angebote.
Eine Tierversicherung schützt Sie jedoch vor unerwarteten Behandlungskosten bei Krankheit oder Unfall Ihres Haustiers. Wie viel Sie in der Regel für ausserordentliche Behandlungen bezahlen, sehen Sie in dieser Übersicht:
Broken bone | CHF 2,500 to 5,000 |
Swallowed object | CHF 1,000 to 2,500 |
Gastric torsion | CHF 2,000 to 3,000 |
Chemotherapy | CHF 2,500 to 3,000 |
Physiotherapy | CHF 500 to 1,000 |
Abscess | approx. CHF 500 |
Broken bone | CHF 1,000 to 2,500 |
Swallowed object | CHF 1,000 to 2,500 |
Tooth infections | CHF 500 to 1,000 |
Gut zu wissen: Die Veterinärmedizin hat fast schon das medizinische Niveau der Humanmedizin erreicht. Dementsprechend aufwendig und teuer kann eine Behandlung Ihres Hundes oder Ihrer Katze sein.
Frequently asked questions about pet insurance
You can usually take out insurance for your pet from the age of three months. The upper age limit varies by insurer. Is your pet over six years old? If so, you are advised to contact your insurer directly for more information.
The cost of pet insurance depends on a range of factors:
Type of animal
Breed: especially with dogs, for some insurers also with cats.
For cats: does your pet stay inside or do they go outside?
Scope of cover
Basic insurance for a cat starts at around 55 francs per year. The cheapest insurance for a dog costs at least 70 francs per year. Source: Comparis pet insurance comparison.
Less than 10% of Swiss pet owners insure their cat or dog. In comparison, the Swiss spend around 15 billion francs a year on property insurance.
Only a tiny percentage of this – around 0.1% – is spent on pet insurance. According to pet insurers, most pet owners don’t even know that insurance is available for their pet.
Pet insurance generally covers the cost of an accident or illness. It covers costs up to a contractually agreed maximum amount per accident/illness or per year.
The basic cover of most insurance policies includes the following benefits:
Cost of treatment
Diagnosis and therapy
Radiological examinations
Surgical operations
Cost of accommodation and food at the veterinary practice or clinic
Pharmaceutical products
Depending on the insurance policy, other services may be included. With supplemental insurance, you can insure even more costs. Under “Details of cover” in the insurance comparison tool, you’ll see what’s included and can compare it with other insurers.
Important: treatments for pre-existing conditions are not usually covered by pet insurance.
The Comparis comparison tool only includes insurance policies for cats and dogs. Other insurers may let you insure different types of animals. These include:
Other farm animals
The cover differs depending on the insurer and policy you select. It’s therefore a good idea to compare different insurances.
Most insurers have a qualifying period. This means that for a certain period of time after concluding the contract, the insurer will not pay any damages.
Most pet insurers offer pet insurance as a separate policy. Some insurers, however, offer pet insurance as a supplement to home contents insurance.
Can you add your pet to your home contents insurance? It’s worth checking.
At Comparis, you can compare insurance policies from Animalia and Wau-Miau. You can request quotes through our brokerage partner, Optimatis.