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Atupri: reviews and experiences

4.9 / 6

Comparis Rating

Customer satisfaction with Atupri

Comparis regularly surveys the Swiss population on their satisfaction with basic insurance. The result of the most recent survey is:

4.9 / 6

Comparis Rating


Value for money

4.8 / 6

Performance: quality and service

4.9 / 6

Information, communication and transparency

4.9 / 6

Convenience of touchpoints and contacts

4.8 / 6

Overall satisfaction

5 / 6

About Atupri

Good to know about Atupri

Atupri Gesundheitsversicherung AG is a Swiss health insurance company with approximately 180,000 policyholders and is headquartered in Bern. Atupri offers modern and innovative insurance models for basic and supplementary insurance that are geared towards the needs of its customers. With a focus on digital healthcare solutions, personal service and prevention, Atupri makes healthcare simple and accessible. Under the slogan “Healthy means something different for everyone”, Atupri supports personal responsibility and helps people find their own path to wellness. Further information is available at

Atupri's basic insurance benefits

Atupri offers the package of benefits that is legally required for compulsory health insurance, which includes outpatient and inpatient treatment in Switzerland and abroad (abroad in an emergency only), preventive measures, maternity and medical aids and appliances. All Swiss health insurers offer these same benefits. Atupri offers basic insurance as a standard with five models to help you save on premiums.

Atupri's supplemental insurance benefits

Atupri offers a comprehensive, flexible range of supplementary health insurance plans tailored to the individual needs of each policyholder. The three supplementary insurances Basic, Mivita and Intense are the perfect complement to compulsory basic insurance, taking into account the different phases of life and personal needs. Atupri's range also includes supplementary hospital and dental insurance, as well as daily allowance, death, disability and travel insurance.

Switching to Atupri

You can usually switch basic insurance by giving one month's notice to terminate the policy on 31 December. How quickly you can switch your supplemental insurance depends on the period of notice required by your existing insurer. In most cases, however, you can switch with effect from 1 January by giving three months' notice.

Compare premiums

Company details

Reserves of health insurance company Atupri

The supervision data as published by the FOPH can be viewed on − is not liable for the correctness of the data. Updated: 01.01.2024
Number of insured persons


Reserves in millions of CHF


Minimum reserves in millions of CHF


Solvency ratio


Admin efficiency

When is a health insurance company efficient? Health insurance companies with administrative costs < 4.2% of premiums are efficient.

Data collection: 5.2024

Administration costs

5,9% of premiums


Atupri Gesundheitsversicherung AG Zieglerstrasse 29 Postfach 3001 Bern 031 555 09 11

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