
Postfinance car insurance

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Products from Postfinance

Liability insurance
Insurance against liability claims resulting from the provisions of road traffic laws.

Casco (comprehensive) insurance
In the case of a total loss, it is always the current value that is reimbursed.

Partial casco
Cover includes damage due to natural hazards (including wind, storms, hail and flooding), fire, theft, snow slides, collisions with animals, marten bites, vandalism, crashing aircraft and glass breakage on the policyholder’s vehicle. The deductible is CHF 1,000.

Collision casco
Cover includes damage to the policyholder's vehicle due to collision. The deductible is CHF 1,500.

Additional cover options

  • Cover for gross negligence can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Cover for personal items can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Cover for damage while parked can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Cover for broken headlights can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Replacement value supplement available directly from the provider.

  • Passenger accident insurance available directly from the provider.

  • Roadside assistance cover (breakdown service and/or breakdown assistance in Europe) can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Motor legal expenses insurance can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Carbon offset option is available directly from the provider.

Other points to note

  • Period of notice: 3 months to the end of the month

  • Period of insurance: 1 year

  • Free choice of garage automatically included in the cover

Liability insurance
Insurance against liability claims resulting from the provisions of road traffic laws.

Casco (comprehensive) insurance
In the case of a total loss, the replacement value supplement is reimbursed. Compared with other products, compensation in the case of total loss is above average.

Partial casco
Cover includes damage due to natural hazards (including wind, storms, hail and flooding), fire, theft, snow slides, collisions with animals, marten bites, vandalism, crashing aircraft and glass breakage on the policyholder’s vehicle. You can choose a deductible of CHF 0, CHF 300, CHF 500 or CHF 1,000.

Collision casco
Cover includes damage to the policyholder's vehicle due to collision. You can choose a deductible of CHF 500, CHF 1,000 or CHF 1,500.

Additional cover options

  • Cover for gross negligence can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Cover for personal items available (sum insured CHF 2,000 without deductible)

  • Cover for damage while parked available (max. CHF 1,000 per claim, max. 2 claims per insurance year). Graffiti and scratches on paintwork are not insured.

  • Passenger accident insurance available

  • Cover for broken headlights can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Roadside assistance cover (breakdown service and/or breakdown assistance in Europe) can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Motor legal expenses insurance can be taken out directly with the provider.

  • Carbon offset option is available directly from the provider.

Other points to note

  • Period of notice: 3 months to the end of the month

  • Period of insurance: 1 year

  • Free choice of garage automatically included in the cover

Information about Postfinance insurance company

Insurance carrier

iptiQ EMEA P&C S.A.

Head office

Luxembourg, Branch Office Zurich Mythenquai 50/60, 8002 Zurich Switzerland

Overview of Swiss car insurance