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Suspension of health insurance: what it means and what to be aware of

You can suspend your health insurance under certain conditions. Find out when you can pause your health insurance, for example during military service or a round-the-world trip.

Elena Wetli Foto
Elena Wetli


Two people in military uniforms walk on a hill.

iStock / Fly View Productions

1.What does it mean to suspend your insurance?
2.Can I suspend health insurance during military service?
3.I am planning a round-the-world trip. Can I suspend my health insurance?
4.When can I suspend my accident coverage with my health insurance provider?

1. What does it mean to suspend your insurance?

The suspension insurance such as your health insurance company means pausing your insurance cover. You are no longer entitled to insurance benefits. During this period, you do not owe the full premium, if any at all.

2. Can I suspend health insurance during military service?

If you undertake military service for more than 60 consecutive days, then you can suspend basic insurance. You are insured against illness and injury for the duration of your service by military insurance. You will then no longer have to pay the premiums for basic health insurance.

Inform your health insurer in good time. Register your military service with your health insurer at least eight weeks before the start of your service. You can do it very easily with the Comparis model letter.

Download template for insurance suspension for military service

Military service: is it possible to suspend supplemental insurance?

In the case of supplemental insurance, you basically have no right to suspension. However, some health insurance companies are accommodating and allow you to pause supplemental insurance. Others offer a reduction in premiums during this period. Consult your health insurance provider directly to find out what is possible.

3. I am planning a round-the-world trip. Can I suspend my health insurance?

If you are planning a trip around the world, you will need different things from your health insurance than before. It is worth taking out travel insurance or special supplemental insurance for trips abroad. In certain cases, you may cancel your basic insurance and suspend any supplemental insurance that is not required. 

Can I cancel my basic Swiss health insurance during my trip around the world?

As long as your official place of residence is in Switzerland you remain subject to compulsory health insurance. You cannot suspend or cancel basic insurance.

The situation is different if you move your place of residence abroad. Then you will no longer be subject to compulsory health insurance. You may terminate your insurance as of the date you leave.

However, it is not enough to just deregister from your municipality. If you are not taking up residence abroad, your official residence will remain in Switzerland (ZGB, Art. 24).

Don't forget the premium reduction

Remember that people with modest financial circumstances can apply for premium reductions.

Is it possible to suspend supplemental insurance during a round-the-world trip?

Whether you can suspend your supplemental insurance depends on the terms of the contract. Some health insurance companies allow supplemental insurance to be suspended if you spend more than three months abroad. You will often have to pay a suspension premium. The exact regulations can be found in the Insurance Policies Act (VVG) that covers your health insurance company.

4. When can I suspend my accident coverage with my health insurance provider?

Accident insurance is compulsory in Switzerland. You are insured by either basic insurance or your employer.

Do you work at least eight hours a week for a single employer? Then you can suspend any accident cover you have taken out along with your health insurance. Those doing an apprenticeship are insured against accidents under the Accident Insurance Act (UVG).

If the accident insurance under the UVG ends – for example because employment has been terminated – you must include the accident coverage with your health insurer again. Under certain conditions interim insurance may be suitable instead to extend accident coverage.

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