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What is interim insurance?

How is interim insurance defined? What accidents are covered by the insurance and when is it a good idea? Comparis explains.

Elena Wetli Foto
Elena Wetli


Ein junger Mann mit gebrochenem Fuss sitzt auf dem Sofa.

iStock / izusek

1.What is interim insurance?
2.Does it cover all non-occupational accidents?
3.How does interim insurance differ from accident insurance under the UVG?
4.When is it worth taking out interim insurance?
5.How much does it cost?
6.How can I take out interim insurance?
7.Interim insurance or health insurance?

1. What is interim insurance?

As soon as you work for the same employer for more than 8 hours per week your are insured through your employer against accidents. If you lose your job, you are automatically insured against non-occupational accidents for a further 31 days after your last working day. After that, you no longer have accident cover.

Accident insurance is compulsory in Switzerland. If you do not take up a new employment relationship after the 31 days, you have two options:

  1. Interim insurance. 

  2. Take out accident cover under your health insurance.

Good to know: unemployed people registered with the RAV regional employment centre are automatically insured against accidents with SUVA.

efinition of interim insurance

Interim insurance extends the accident cover provided by the previous employer. In this way, you are protected from the financial consequences of non-occupational accidents even if you do not have a new job. The insurance can be arranged for up to 180 days from the end of the previous employment contract.

2. Does it cover all non-occupational accidents?

Interim insurance covers medical treatment, search and rescue and medically necessary travel and transport. Tick bites and wasp or bee stings are also insured as accidents. Coverage also applies to holidays abroad.

However, benefits for certain accidents are reduced or cancelled altogether (UVG, Art. 49–50). This is the case with accidents that occur during:

  • Extreme sports

  • Brawls (does not apply to bystanders or those trying to help)

  • Unrest

3. How does interim insurance differ from accident insurance under the UVG?

Interim accident insurance falls under the Federal Accident Insurance Act (UVG). This means that you will receive exactly the same benefits as if you were still insured against accidents with your employer.

The only difference is that the interim insurance policy is limited to 180 days.

4. When is it worth taking out interim insurance?

Interim insurance is worthwhile, for example, for people on unpaid leave, long journeys or language stays.

At the end of the insurance period, you must add accident cover to your basic health insurance plan. This only applies if you have not gone back to working at least eight hours per week in an employment relationship.

Although self-employed persons without employees do not have to take out accident insurance in accordance with the UVG, they bear the financial risk of an accident themselves. 

5. How much does it cost?

The costs or premiums depend on the provider. Interim insurance costs around 45 francs per month.

6. How can I take out interim insurance?

Interim insurance can only be taken out via the previous employer's accident insurer. You have to take out and pay for the insurance before cover for non-occupational accidents ends. Is the last day you could claim at least half your salary more than 31 days ago? If so, you will no longer be able to take out interim insurance.

7. Interim insurance or health insurance?

Interim insurance offers better cover than accident insurance from your health insurance company. Your will therefore receive more benefits. In addition, you do not have to pay any excess or deductible. Daily benefits insurance is included.

However, the premium for interim insurance is significantly higher compared with taking out accident cover under basic health insurance (approx. CHF 10–20 per month).

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