What is Suva? Swiss accident insurance
Suva is the largest accident insurer in Switzerland. Comparis explains who has to register with Suva, and what it covers in the event of an accident or work-related illness.


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1. What is Suva?
The Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (Suva) is a public corporation and the largest accident insurer in Switzerland. About a third of all Swiss companies and half of their employees are insured with Suva.
It is responsible for compulsory insurance cover for the consequences of occupational and non-occupational accidents and work-related illnesses. In addition, it offers supplementary insurance cover, for example for prevention and rehabilitation.
2. Who must register with Suva?
All employees working in Switzerland must be insured against occupational accidents and work-related illness. The Federal Accident Insurance Act defines Suva’s areas of responsibility.
Some industries must take out their accident insurance with Suva. This also applies to self-employed persons without staff, provided that they work in an industry that comes under Suva. In addition, they must also insure any family members working in the company with Suva.
Free choice for self-employed people?
Self-employed persons who are not in an industry that comes under Suva have the choice: they can voluntarily take out accident and occupational illness insurance with Suva or another accident insurance company. If they do not, they must at least include accident coverage with their health insurer (basic insurance).
3. How do self-employed people register with Suva?
When you start your own business, you have two options for registering.
Contact your nearest Suva office on 0848 820 820. Suva will clarify whether your work falls within Suva’s area of responsibility.
Register with the OASI (AHV/AVS) compensation office. If your activity falls under the responsibility of Suva, the compensation office will forward your application to Suva. Suva will clarify your employment status and contact you about the next steps.
4. What does Suva pay for?
According to the Accident Insurance Act, Suva covers the costs resulting from occupational and non-occupational accidents for employees of companies in its area of responsibility. An accident is defined as “an unusual external event causing sudden and unintentional harm to the human body leading to detrimental effects on physical, mental or psychological well-being or death”.
Occupational illness
Suva also covers the cost of occupational illnesses. “Occupational” means that the illness was caused by your work. A list of occupational diseases can be found in the annex to the Ordinance on Accident Insurance (link not available in English).
Important: this list is not exhaustive. Individual cases must be clarified. Health impairments apart from accidents or occupational diseases are considered illnesses according to the law and are compulsorily insured according to the Health Insurance Act.
5. Accident cover for employers and employees
Companies outside of Suva’s area of responsibility can insure their employees with private accident insurance in accordance with the Federal Accident Insurance Act. Persons who work for an employer for less than eight hours per week must take out their accident insurance through compulsory health insurance . Attention: the benefits of accident insurance according to the Accident Insurance Act and the Health Insurance Act differ significantly.