
Double health insurance: what to do and how to avoid it?

A problem changing your basic or supplemental insurance may result in you being insured twice over. Comparis shows you how to avoid double insurance.

Alina Meister
Alina Meister


A woman carefully reads through contract documents.


1.Double health insurance: what should you do about it?
2.Double accident insurance: what should you do about it?
3.Double supplemental insurance: what should you do about it?
4.Summary: double insurance with health insurers

1. Double health insurance: what should you do about it?

In Switzerland, you can only take out one compulsory health insurance policy. This is intended to prevent double insurance with compulsory health insurance.

However, several thousand people each year receive premium bills from two health insurers. This means that they are effectively double insured.

The cause is usually an administrative error on the part of the previous or new insurer in the context of a change in health insurance, as these examples illustrate:

If you still have outstanding bills with your previous health insurer, you can’t change the health insurance. In this case, your previous health insurance company must inform the new health insurer that you will continue to be insured under the old policy. If your previous health insurer fails to inform you of this and you enter into a new insurance contract, this will lead to double insurance.

The new health insurer often takes care of terminating the current one. If it fails to do so, you’ll continue to be insured with your current health insurer. If you take out insurance with a new health insurer without properly terminating the previous insurance, you will be double insured.

Basic health insurance: how can you avoid being double insured?

Terminate your basic insurance yourself in advance and pay all bills in good time. Request a written confirmation of termination. With this confirmation, you can legally take out a new basic insurance policy.

Basic insurance: what can I do if I am double insured?

If you are double insured, you aren’t obligated to pay your new health insurer. Your previous insurance is still valid and the new insurance policy must be cancelled.

2. Double accident insurance: what should you do about it?

Double insurance is relatively common with accident insurance. This is because policyholders can opt for accident insurance with their basic insurance, though they are often already insured through their employer.

Accident insurance: how can you avoid being double insured?

If you work eight or more hours a week with the same employer, you are insured against occupational and non-occupational accidents by your employer’s cover. Have you taken out accident cover in your basic insurance policy while working more than eight hours per week with the same employer? If so, you are double insured against accidents.

Good to know: you are insured for a further 31 days after the end of an employment contract of at least eight hours per week. You can extend the cover with interim insurance.

Accident insurance: what can I do if I am double insured?

Making an adjustment is simple: if you’re already insured against accidents through your employer, you can exclude cover in your basic insurance.

Request the adjustment directly through your compulsory health insurance. The change takes place at the end of the desired month. According to the Federal Ordinance (not available in English), you can expect a reduction in premiums of up to 7% after excluding accident cover.

3. Double supplemental insurance: what should you do about it?

If you already have supplemental insurance and take out further supplemental insurance, you’ll be double insured. Thanks to a revision to the Insurance Policies Act, policyholders can now react before double insurance occurs.

Supplemental insurance: how can you avoid being double insured?

  • Check the cancellation periods: check the cancellation period of your previous insurance before applying for new supplemental insurance. Most supplemental insurance policies last at least one year and have a notice period of three months.

  • Don’t submit multiple requests at the same time: if both insurers accept your request, you’ll be bound to the new policies and have double insurance.

  • Exercise your right of withdrawal: thanks to the revision of the law, a right of withdrawal has been available since 2022 (link not available in English). Have you realized that you’ve accidentally taken out a new insurance contract even though you already have a similar insurance policy? You can withdraw from the new contract within 14 days. It’s best to send your withdrawal by registered mail to your insurance company. This way, you have reliable evidence in the event of a legal dispute. The date the letter is stamped counts as the date of withdrawal. It’s not possible to withdraw from a request or insurance contract after the deadline.

Good to know: if you apply for supplemental insurance, it’s legally binding for 14 days. If a medical examination is necessary for the request, the health insurer may take up to four weeks. After this period, you are no longer bound.

Supplemental insurance: what can I do if I am double insured?

It can easily happen that you miss the cancellation deadline and you end up double insured. In principle, you then have to pay both sets of premiums. However, the law offers a way of dealing with (unintentional) double insurance in the case of supplemental insurance (link not available in English).

If you find that you are actually double insured, you can cancel the most recent insurance policy taken out within four weeks of you noticing it. Furthermore, you are obliged to inform both insurance companies about the double insurance.

Important: you can’t cancel a contract which you knew would result in double insurance.

Cancelling double insurance: always send your cancellation letter to your health insurer by registered post. Note that the day on which the health insurer receives your cancellation letter is decisive, not the date on the postmark

Supplemental insurance: what should you do if you miss the 4-week deadline?

If you don’t cancel your new insurance policy within four weeks of noticing that you are double insured, you will continue to be bound by both contracts. The new insurance company may agree to suspend or terminate the contract by mutual agreement. However, you are not legally entitled to this. If the insurance company doesn’t agree to your wishes, you may only terminate your new or current supplemental insurance according to the applicable contract terms.

If the minimum contract duration of both contracts doesn’t end on the same day, it’s usually worth cancelling the insurance policy that can be terminated earlier.

If the earliest possible termination dates are identical, it’s usually worthwhile cancelling the insurance policy with the worse contract conditions. Take into account the scope of cover and the cost of premiums, for example.

Good to know: irrespective of the individual contractual agreements, thanks to a legal change that came into effect in 2022 (link not available in English), you are able to terminate insurance contracts ordinarily from the third year to the end of the insurance year – subject to the notice period.

4. Summary: double insurance with health insurers

In the case of basic insurance, double insurance is generally not possible. However, administrative errors can lead to situations where you are seemingly double insured after receiving bills from two health insurance companies. In any case, you only have to pay the bills of one health insurer.

Your employer takes care of your accident insurance if you work more than eight hours per week for them. You can avoid double insurance by removing the option from your basic insurance.

In the case of supplemental insurance, double insurance is possible. As a policyholder, you can cancel a request for supplemental insurance within 14 days. If you miss the cancellation deadline and you have become unintentionally double insured, you can cancel the new insurance policy within four weeks of discovering that you are double insured.

It’s always worth comparing premiums

The costs of basic insurance and supplemental insurance can vary greatly. With Comparis, you can easily compare premiums and plan to change health insurers.

Calculate premiums

This article was first published on 23.08.2022

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