
What is changing in 2025: health insurance, travel and pensions

The year 2025 will bring various changes for people in Switzerland – from the 3G network to the customs allowance. Comparis explains.

Magdalena Soll Foto
Magdalena Soll


Parliament building with a plane, a woman with shopping bags and a loud sports car.

iStock: assalve / Jetlinerimages / ArtistGNDphotography / Gaschwald

1.New in 2025: what you need to know
2.How will the consumer market change?
3.How is health insurance changing?
4.What’s new in mobility?
5.What is the latest digital news?
6.What’s new with finance and pensions?
7.How will the property and mortgage market change?

1. New in 2025: what you need to know

2025 will bring the following changes (among others):

  • The customs allowance for imports into Switzerland is decreasing.

  • The prices of electricity are expected to fall..

  • Health insurance companies may only carry out debt enforcement actions against policyholders twice a year.

  • Those insured in the standard model with an optional deductible can change health insurance model during the year.

  • End of discrimination in blood donation

  • Extension of the ban on avoidable vehicle noise

  • Stricter requirements for entry into the UK

  • National airlines are raising the price of flights

  • New SBB timetable for western Switzerland

  • Discontinuation of the 3G network

  • SRG radio will only be available via DAB+

  • The pension limits are increasing.

  • It will be possible to make retrospective contributions into pillar 3a.

  • Social benefits will be increased.

  • New regulation for mortgage financing

2. How will the consumer market change?

Customs allowance when travelling

From 2025, you may only import personal purchases into Switzerland for a total value of up to 150 francs per person per day. Until the end of 2024, the limit is 300 francs.

If you want to import more, you must pay the customs duties for the goods as well as Swiss VAT. This is usually possible with the Quickzoll app. However, there are goods that you must declare at a staffed border crossing.

Falling electricity prices

In 2025, electricity prices are expected to fall by an average of 10%. But electricity will still be more expensive than it was three years ago.

Tobacco tax increase

The Federal Council is increasing the tobacco tax for certain products. Overall, the increase is moderate. The upper limit of the tax is not reached for many products.

Tobacco product Old tax rate New tax rate
Cigars and cigarillos 0.56 centimes per piece plus 1% of the retail price 0.76 centimes per piece plus 1% of the retail price
Fine-cut tobacco and hookah tobacco
  • 38 francs per kilogram plus 25% of the retail price
  • Together, the tax must be at least 80 francs per kilogramme
  • 46 francs per kilogram plus 25% of the retail price
  • Together, the tax must be at least 90 francs per kilogramme
Other tobacco products
  • Chewing tobacco and snuff: 6% of the retail price
  • Other tobacco products: 12% of the retail price
  • Chewing tobacco and snuff: 10% the of retail price
  • Other tobacco products: 16% of the retail price

Source (not available in English): Tobacco Tax Act, Annexes 2 to 4

3. How is health insurance changing?

Maximum of two debt enforcement actions per year

From 1 January 2025, health insurers will be able to carry out debt enforcement actions against policyholders no more than twice per year. From 1 July 2025, health insurers can assign the loss certificates for unpaid premiums and out-of-pocket expenses to the cantons.

A loss certificate represents unpaid monetary claims. It is issued when:

  • the indebted person was unable to pay the debts despite attachment.

  • the indebted person files for personal bankruptcy.

The owner of the loss certificate (“creditor”) may claim the outstanding monetary claims. The debts expire after 20 years at the earliest. There is no interest on the debt. Loss certificates are recorded in the debt enforcement register.

In many cases, creditors can assign the claims to others. There are two types of assignment:

  1. Complete assignment: the new person assumes all rights and responsibilities and can claim the debt.

  2. Procedural assignment: the new person only takes care of collecting the debt, but the money still belongs to the original creditor. The new person may first deduct their costs before passing on the rest.

Changing health insurance during the year

From 2025, people who have the standard model with a franchise of more than 300 francs can also switch to an alternative insurance model during the year. It is still not possible to switch to a different health insurer or from an alternative insurance model to a different one during the year.

Good to know: with the standard model and the lowest deductible, you have the option to change your health insurance with effect from 1 July.

Rising health insurance premiums

Health insurance premiums will increase by an average of 6% in 2025 compared to 2024. The exact increase for you depends on:

  • Health insurance

  • Place of residence

  • Insurance model

Digitalization of healthcare

With the “DigiSanté” programme (not available in English), the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) aims to gradually digitize healthcare by 2034. The FDHA will successively implement the solution strategies from 2025. What practical improvements the population can expect is still an open question.

An end to blood donation discrimination

From 2025 onwards: people may only be excluded from donating blood on scientific grounds (Art. 36 para. 2 TPA). For example, sexual orientation may no longer be an exclusion criterion.

In addition, as of the new year, people may no longer receive compensation for donating blood.

New association of Swiss health insurers

The new health insurance association “prio.swiss” will be established on 1 January 2025. The association is the result of a merger of the two previous associations Santésuisse and Curafutura. This is intended to better represent the interests of policyholders.

Adjustments to the catalogue of benefits for basic insurance

At the turn of the year, various changes to the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (HIBO) come into force.

Change to invoicing for laboratory analyses

Flat rates for certain outpatient treatments will now also include the costs of laboratory analyses. These will no longer be billed separately. This is intended to simplify invoicing and promote the use of flat rates.

4. What’s new in mobility?

Automated driving will be allowed

The Federal Council has adopted an ordinance that will allow automated driving from 1 March 2025 in some cases:

  • You may use autopilot on motorways when driving a highly automated vehicle (level 3). You can then let go of the steering wheel and do not have to constantly monitor traffic or the vehicle. However, if the car asks you to do so, you must be able to take control of the car again at any time.

  • In certain parking garages, vehicles may park automatically without a driver.

  • Vehicles may drive autonomously on officially approved routes. But an operator must monitor the vehicles from a control centre in case they are unable to handle situations themselves.

Classification of the energy label for new cars

The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) is redefining the energy efficiency categories for passenger cars. This is because the categories are based the target value of the CO₂ emission regulations, which is decreasing on 1 January 2025.

In the new year, only the most efficient car models will belong to category A. Certain models will also move to a different category from the turn of the year.

Prohibition of avoidable vehicle noise

The Federal Council is extending the ban on avoidable noise (Art. 33 TREGO, not available in English). Until the end of 2024, the prohibition applies exclusively:

  • in residential and recreational areas

  • at night

From 2025, the prohibition will apply universally at all times. Avoidable noise includes:

  • Preheating and running the engine unnecessarily

  • Accelerating too fast

  • Avoidable noise from the exhaust, such as popping

In order to enforce the new regulation more strictly, the Federal Council is also increasing the fines. Starting in the new year, for example, leaving the engine running unnecessarily will cost 80 francs instead of 60 francs.

Electronic travel authorization for entry into the United Kingdom

For people from countries without a visa requirement: you will need an electronic entry permit for the UK from April. This also includes nationals of Switzerland and EU countries.

The electronic travel authorization (ETA) costs 11 francs. It is valid for two years for any number of trips to the United Kingdom. After that, you’ll need to renew it. However, you may stay in the United Kingdom for a maximum of six months after entering the country.

Higher airfares for Swiss and Edelweiss flights

The Lufthansa Group will levy an environmental fee from 2025. In doing so, it intends to pass on the costs to passengers as a result of new EU environmental regulations. The Lufthansa Group also includes Swiss and Edelweiss. Depending on the booking class and the length of the flight, you may pay between 1 and 72 euros more.

Indication of emissions caused by flights

From 2025, airlines must indicate how much CO₂ a flight is expected to emit (Art. 7a CO₂ Act). From 2026, the airlines must then clearly display the figures in advertisements (Art. 14a CO₂ Ordinance, not available in English). This applies to flights departing from Switzerland and Basel-Mulhouse Airport if the flight is operated in accordance with Swiss traffic laws.

New SBB timetable in western Switzerland

In western Switzerland, a new timetable (not available in English) will apply from 15 December 2024 – sometimes with longer journey times for customers. This is the largest change to the SBB timetable in 20 years. This is due to construction work to improve the infrastructure in the long term.

5. What is the latest digital news?

Shutdown of the 3G network

In mid to late 2025, Swisscom and Sunrise will switch off the 3G network in Switzerland. Here’s why: it is less effective and offers less coverage than modern networks. It is also being used less and less. This will free up more capacity for the modern 4G and 5G network generations.

SRG radio station only via DAB+

From January 2025, SRG (not available in English) will only broadcast its radio stations digitally via DAB+. By the end of 2026 at the latest, the analogue broadcasting technology VHF will be completely shut down.

Older vehicles are unable to receive digital signals. If you have a vehicle with an analogue radio, you’ll need to install a DAB+ adapter or a new radio. Alternatively, you can also stream the radio via your smartphone and connect it to the car.

Digitalization in the field of education, research and innovation

The Federal Council would like to take advantage of the opportunities of digitalization in Switzerland. To this end, it has developed the Digital Switzerland strategy. It provides guidelines for government action to best shape the path to digitalization.

Uniform charging interface: USB-C

The EU and Switzerland are standardizing the charging interface for electronic devices to USB-C. This is intended to reduce the amount of electronic waste from chargers and cables.

The mandatory USB-C charging interface will apply from 28 December 2024 for new products in the following areas:

  • Mobile phones and tablets

  • Digital cameras

  • Headphones, headsets, portable speakers and earphones

  • Portable video consoles and e-readers

  • Keyboards and PC mice

  • Portable navigation systems

With the introduction of the new charging standard, retailers must sell the products without a charger. However, they may also offer a variant with a charger. Labels and pictograms on the packaging show whether a charger is included.

Good to know: from 2026, new laptops must also be equipped with a USB-C charging interface.

6. What’s new with finance and pensions?

Retirement age for women rises for the first time

In 2022, the public voted in favour of reform for the OASI system. As a result, the retirement age for women is increasing to 65 years.

For women soon to reach retirement age there will be a step-by-step increase. The first step will take place in 2025: women born in 1961 can only retire once they are 64 years and three months old.

Year of birth Retirement age from 01.01.2024 Year of ordinary retirement
1960 and older 64 years 2024 and earlier
1961 64 years and 3 months 2025 or 2026
1962 64 years and 6 months 2026 or 2027
1963 64 years and 9 months 2027 or 2028
1964 and younger 65 years 2029 or later

Adjustment of pension amounts

The threshold amounts of occupational pensions will increase in 2025. This is due to the increase in the OPA minimum interest rate. The following will apply:

Amount in 2024 Amount in 2025
Entry threshold Annual salary of 22,050 francs Annual salary of 22,680 francs
Coordination deduction 22,725 francs 26,460 francs
Upper limits for the annual salary 88,200 francs 90,720 francs
Minimum coordinated annual salary 3,675 francs 3,780 francs
Maximum coordinated annual salary 62,475 francs 64,260 francs

In addition, the maximum amount for pillar 3a is increasing. For employees, it will be 7,258 francs. Self-employed people can deduct up to 36,288 francs per year from their taxable income.

Retrospective contributions to pillar 3a

From 2025, the Federal Government will allow retrospective contributions to pillar 3a. You can then make deposits with retrospective effect for 10 years. However, you’ll not be able to close any contribution gaps prior to 2025. This means the first retrospective payment is possible in 2026.

Increase in social security benefits

As of 1 January 2025, the Federal Council will increase various social security benefits:

Amount in 2024 Amount in 2025
Minimum pension for unmarried people 1,225 francs per month 1,260 francs per month
Maximum pension for unmarried people 2,450 francs per month 2,520 francs per month
Maximum pension for married couples 3,675 francs per month 3,780 francs per month
Minimum state pension amount for self-employed and unemployed people 514 francs per year 530 francs per year
Minimum voluntary state pension amount 980 francs per year 1,010 francs per year

Amount in 2024 Amount in 2025
Unmarried people 20,100 francs per year 20,670 francs per year
Married couples 30,150 francs per year 31,005 francs per year
Children over 11 years 10,515 francs per year 10,815 francs per year
Children under 11 years 7,380 francs per year 7,590 francs per year

In addition, the Federal Council is adjusting the maximum rent rates and the flat rate for heating and ancillary costs.

Amount in 2024 Amount in 2025
Unmarried people 1,000 francs per year 1,300 francs per year
Married couples 1,500 francs per year 1,950 francs per year

Amount in 2024 Amount in 2025
Child allowances 200 francs per month 215 francs per month
Training allowances 250 francs per month 268 francs per month

7. How will the property and mortgage market change?

New regulation for mortgage financing

With the “Basel III” reform package, the rules for lending will change from 2025. Depending on the loan-to-value ratio, the amount of equity capital that banks have to obtain changes. This is intended to ensure the banks’ solvency and liquidity. What does this mean for mortgage borrowers? Your mortgage may become more expensive.

The calculation of equity capital is also changing. Banks no longer include all additional collateral in the calculation, such as life insurance.

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Will “Basel III” increase your mortgage? With the support of experts such as HypoPlus, Comparis’ mortgage partner, you may be able to mitigate the higher costs.

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This article was first published on 20.12.2023

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