
Pillar 3a: maximum contributions 2025

You can pay into pillar 3a every year and reap the tax savings. The maximum amount that can be deducted from income tax is the maximum contribution. It differs depending on whether or not you have a company pension (pillar 2).

Lara Surber Foto
Lara Surber


Federal building with three pillars represents the Swiss three-pillar system with pillar 3a

iStock / william87

1.Different maximum contributions for those with or without a company pension
2.Pillar 3a – maximum contributions 2003 to 2025
3.More information on pillar 3a
4.Make more of your pillar 3a

Different maximum contributions for those with or without a company pension

If you earn income subject to OASI contributions, you are eligible to pay into pillar 3a. In 2025, the maximum pillar 3a contribution is:

  • If you have a company pension: CHF 7,258

  • If you do not have a company pension: 20% of earned income, but no more than CHF 36,288

On your tax return, pillar 3a contributions can be deducted from income subject to social insurance contributions. Everyone is free to choose how much they pay as long as the legal maximum is not exceeded.

The money in pillar 3a is tied up. You may not normally withdraw it more than five years before reaching statutory retirement age. There are exceptions, however. You can access it early to buy your own home, become self-employed, if you become disabled, or if you emigrate for good.

Use the to work out how much tax you can save where you live, depending on your income and 3a contributions.

Pillar 3a – maximum contributions 2003 to 2025

Year Maximum contribution with company pension Maximum contribution with no company pension
2025 7'258 36'288
2024 7'056 35'280
2023 7'056 35'280
2022 6'883 34'416
2021 6'883 34'416
2020 6'826 34'128
2019 6'826 34'128
2018 6'768 33'840
2017 6'768 33'840
2016 6'768 33'840
2015 6'768 33'840
2014 6'739 33'696
2013 6'739 33'696
2012 6'682 33'408
2011 6'682 33'408
2010 6'566 32'832
2009 6'566 32'832
2008 6'365 31'824
2007 6'365 31'824
2006 6'192 30'960
2005 6'192 30'960
2004 6'077 30'384
2003 6'077 30'384

3-pillar system disadvantages SMEs

Comparis is calling for an increase in the maximum allowable contributions to pillar 3a to CHF 12,400 for women and CHF10,100 for men. After all, women with a gross income of more than 96,000 francs per year and men with an annual salary of more than 105,000 francs have no chance of maintaining their previous standard of living in old age with the maximum amount currently in force. You can read more on the subject in the Comparis analysis "3-pillar system disadvantages SMEs".

More information on pillar 3a

Make more of your pillar 3a

Optimize your retirement planning with a pillar 3a investment fund to lock in a better chance of higher returns. By choosing sustainable investment funds, you also do your bit for society and the environment.

You can review possible gaps and risks with the help of our pension experts at Optimatis, and find the right solution for you from one of our many partners. The consultation is free of charge and there is no obligation.

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This article was first published on 09.01.2008