Car insurance
Car vandalism: what does insurance cover?
Insurance pays for a broken aerial, but usually not for scratches. Comparis explains when car insurance pays damages due to vandalism.


1. How is my car insured against vandalism?
Damage due to vandalism is insured by partial casco insurance. Vandal acts are also referred to as vandalism, malicious damage or malicious acts of third parties.
2. What damage is classed as an act of vandalism?
Partial casco insurance usually pays for intentional or malicious damage such as:
Broken aerials
Broken windscreen wipers
Broken decorative elements
Damaged indicators
Broken or smashed wing mirrors
Slashed tyres
Harmful substances being poured into the fuel tank
3. Are scratches covered?
If someone scratches the paint of your vehicle, partial casco insurance usually does not pay. Full casco insurance, on the other hand, usually pays for damage to your car caused by deliberate scratching.
Good to know: Even if you are insured for damage while parked, the insurer will not always cover the cost.
4. How can I find out which acts of vandalism are covered by my insurance?
Some insurance companies list any additional cover in their general insurance conditions, e.g. in the event of damage caused by spray paint. The list is usually exhaustive, i.e. cover is only provided for the types of damage stated in the general insurance conditions. Further information on general insurance conditions and on your car insurance contract in general can be found in the linked articles.
Which car insurance do I need?
Not sure whether your insurance covers everything you need? When taking out car insurance, consider which benefits are important to you.
This article was first published on 12.02.2013