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Skiing accident: who has to pay in Switzerland? Insurance tips and information

A winter sports accident hurts and can spoil your holiday. A skiing accident in Switzerland and especially abroad can be really expensive without the right insurance cover. Comparis explains what you need to know.

Elena Wetli Foto
Elena Wetli


A woman and a man sitting down on a snowy hillside. The woman is injured.

iStock/Milan Markovic

1.Skiing accident in Switzerland: who has to pay?
2.Which insurance covers search and rescue costs?
3.Who covers the cost of repatriation?
4.Skiing accident abroad - who has to pay?
5.What should I bear in mind in the event of a skiing accident?
6.Supplementary insurance for rescue and transport

1. Skiing accident in Switzerland: who has to pay?

Option 1: accident insurance according to UVG (German abbreviation: UVG Unfallversicherung)

Employees who work at least eight hours per week with an employer are automatically insured against holiday accidents. Accident insurance according to UVG (Art. 17 of the Swiss Accident Insurance regulations, available in German, French, Italian) covers all costs incurred in Switzerland.

Option 2: accident cover from health insurance under the Health Insurance Act (German abbreviation: KVG)

If you are employed for less than eight hours per week for one employer or are unemployed, you must take out accident insurance through your health insurance company.

Important: unlike accident insurance provided by an employer, you must always contribute to the accident costs through deductibles and coinsurance in the event of an accident in Switzerland.

Please also note that without the supplementary health insurance ‘general hospital insurance (whole of Switzerland)’ (usually part of a supplementary health insurance package), you will incur costs for inpatient treatment in a hospital outside the canton of residence.

2. Which insurance covers search and rescue costs?

An insured person who is rescued from a life-threatening situation is exempted. 

Cost coverage in Switzerland

UVG accident insurance covers all necessary search and rescue costs in Switzerland. 

KVG accident insurance covers half of the search and rescue costs in Switzerland to a yearly maximum of 5,000 francs. Helicopter rescue can be significantly more expensive.  

You can find out more about this in the article about cost coverage for ambulances.

Cost coverage abroad

UVG accident insurance pays up to a fifth of the maximum amount currently insurable, in other words a maximum of 29,640 francs (Art. 20 of the Swiss Accident Insurance regulations, available in German, French, Italian). Supplemental insurance or travel insurance are therefore recommended for travel abroad.

KVG accident insurance pays nothing towards rescue and recovery costs. Even Rega patrons are not necessarily covered when it comes to rescue costs. This is because Rega is not an insurance provider. It can waive the costs to patrons at its discretion and if possible if the appropriate insurance is missing. However, there is no legal entitlement. Those with KVG insurance therefore should definitely take out corresponding supplementary insurance.

3. Who covers the cost of repatriation?

Cost coverage in Switzerland

UVG accident insurance offers the same coverage for accidents as well as search and rescue costs. It fully covers the medically essential transport costs in Switzerland.

KVG accident insurance on the other hand only covers half of the medically essential transport costs and repatriation costs to a doctor or hospital in Switzerland, up to a maximum of 500 francs per year. 

Cost coverage abroad

UVG accident insurance pays up to a fifth of the maximum amount currently insurable abroad and for repatriation to Switzerland, in other words a maximum of 29,640 francs (Art. 20 of the Swiss Accident Insurance regulations, available in German, French, Italian).

KVG accident insurance covers half of the medically essential transport costs and repatriation costs to a doctor or hospital in the country. This does not apply to repatriations from abroad to Switzerland.

Repatriations are not covered by basic health insurance! Repatriation operations from abroad can cost tens of thousands of francs. It is therefore worthwhile for all uninsured persons to get supplemental insurance or travel insurance are therefore recommended for travel abroad.

4. Skiing accident abroad - who has to pay?

Option 1: accident insurance according to UVG (German abbreviation: UVG Unfallversicherung)

Depending on the holiday destination, UVG health insurance may not be sufficient (for example, skiing holidays in Canada or the USA). Abroad, it will pay up to a maximum of twice the amount the same treatment would have cost in Switzerland. In EU and EFTA countries, the same services are covered according to the social tariff as if you were covered by social insurance in the country in question.

Option 2: accident cover from health insurance under the Health Insurance Act (German abbreviation: KVG)

The treatment costs abroad are covered up to a maximum of twice the amount of the costs that would have been incurred for treatment in your own canton of residence. The same rules apply to EU and EFTA countries as to accident insurance under the Accident Insurance Act (UVG). As a rule, you will have to cover out-of-pocket expenses yourself at your holiday destination. These can be higher or lower than in Switzerland.

For an inpatient, the basic insurance covers at most 90% of the costs that the hospital stay would cost in Switzerland. The reason for this is that the cantons pay at least 55% of the costs of hospital treatment in Switzerland. This is not the case for hospital stays abroad.

5. What should I bear in mind in the event of a skiing accident?

Some countries are more expensive than others

Before you leave, check whether your holiday destination has particularly high treatment costs (e.g. the USA, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and Japan) and arrange appropriate additional insurance cover. You can find more information in the article on illness or accidents abroad.

Be careful with private medical treatment abroad

Neither UVG accident insurance nor KVG accident insurance covers private medical treatments. Therefore, go to a public hospital or to a doctor who bills the local basic rate. Or make sure to have additional corresponding supplemental insurance.

Alongside the usual countries with high treatment costs, particular care should be taken in Austria. This is because private clinics and doctors are widespread in ski resorts.

If in doubt, ask your insurer

Some hotels have arrangements with private clinics or doctors. Before medical treatment, patients usually have to confirm in writing that they will pay for all costs. An accident is generally a stressful situation. And everything has to happen quickly. Precisely for this reason, you should contact your insurance company immediately in the event of any ambiguities, e.g. via an emergency number.

skiing accident tips

6. Supplementary insurance for rescue and transport

The cost of a skiing accident can quickly run into thousands if not tens of thousands of francs. Depending on your situation, it may make sense to take out supplemental insurance. This should cover the unlimited cost of treatment or repatriation to Switzerland in the event of a serious illness or accident.

Travel insurance also usually includes luggage cover and cancellation costs.

Read more about premium calculator for supplemental insurance

This article was first published on 11.05.2021

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