Children’s glasses and contact lenses: what does health insurance cover?
The costs for children's glasses and contact lenses will once again be covered by basic insurance. This reverses, in part, the decision taken at the end of 2010 to remove visual aids from the catalogue of benefits.

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Glasses and contact lenses can place a considerable burden on the parents’ budget. The good news is that health insurers will contribute towards the cost – and this includes contact lenses for image-conscious teenagers.
Short-sightedness is increasing dramatically worldwide. The number of affected children is also rising in Switzerland. Comparis answers the most important questions on children's glasses and health insurance.
What does health insurance cover with regard to children's glasses and other visual aids?
Basic health insurance
Visual aids for children and adolescents up to the age of 18 are covered by basic insurance. Children and adolescents are entitled to 180 francs a year for glasses or contact lenses under basic health insurance. You will need an ophthalmologist's prescription once a year in order to claim back the cost from your health insurer. The insurance company pays this amount up to the age of 18.
In the case of very severe sight defects or illnesses, basic insurance pays higher contributions towards glasses and contact lenses – irrespective of the age of the insured person. This applies, for example, to changes in refraction due to illness, adjustments after surgery or corneal diseases. For more information, contact your health insurance company or ophthalmologist.
Supplemental health insurance
Corrective glasses and contact lenses usually cost more than 180 francs. It may therefore be well worth taking out supplemental insurance to obtain an additional contribution towards frames and lenses. Make sure you compare the different products, as supplemental insurance benefits vary from company to company.
Disability insurance
Disability Insurance (IV) covers most medical benefits, without coinsurance, related to birth defects for as long as they exist, but only until the age of 20. This also applies to visual impairments.
Comparis tip: parents should keep an eye out for signs of sight problems in their children. Most visual defects must be treated in childhood to prevent further sight deterioration.
How much will health insurance companies contribute towards children's glasses?
Children and adolescents who need glasses are entitled to 180 francs a year for glasses or contact lenses under basic health insurance. An ophthalmologist's prescription is required once a year in order for the costs to be charged to the health insurance company. The insurance company pays this amount up to the age of 18.
In the case of very severe sight defects or illnesses, basic insurance pays higher contributions towards glasses and contact lenses – irrespective of the age of the insured person. This applies, for example, to changes in refraction due to illness, adjustments after surgery or corneal diseases. For more information, contact your health insurance company or ophthalmologist.
Comparis tip: parents should keep an eye out for signs of sight problems in their children. Most visual defects must be treated in childhood to prevent further sight deterioration.
Do I have to pay a coinsurance amount on visual aids?
Yes, out-of-pocket expenses apply to glasses and contact lenses just like other benefits covered by basic insurance. If you have chosen a deductible for the child that is higher than 0 francs, you pay the chosen deductible amount and, in addition, the coinsurance of 10% yourself.
Which deductible makes sense for children?
It's worth choosing a deductible of 0 francs for children and adolescents. The reason for this is that the discount for a higher deductible is negligible. Children also need to see a doctor fairly regularly.
Is it worth taking out supplemental glasses insurance for children?
Corrective glasses and contact lenses usually cost more than 180 francs. A supplemental insurance policy may therefore be well worth considering. Make sure you compare the different products, as supplemental insurance benefits vary from company to company.