Supplemental insurance for pregnancy compared
Supplemental insurance policies include cover that ensures more comfort or additional benefits for pregnant women. Here's what you need to know.
iStock / damircudic
1. Do I need supplemental insurance to cover pregnancy?
Basic insurance covers all the essential costs relating to pregnancy and childbirth. Supplemental insurance offers extras such as family rooms or additional benefits such as alternative treatment methods.
2. Which supplemental insurance policies are worth taking out for pregnancy?
Health insurance companies offer various supplemental insurance policies, which also include benefits for pregnancy and maternity.
Supplemental outpatient insurance includes:
Prenatal tests or examinations (e.g. genetic tests for hereditary diseases)
Household help for the period after birth
Postnatal exercises
Nursing mother's allowance
Supplemental hospital insurance (semi-private or private ward) includes:
Free choice of hospital doctor
Elective cesarean delivery (for non-medical reasons)
Stay in a 1 or 2-bed room
Delivery in a private or semi-private hospital that is not on the cantonal hospital list or is outside the canton of residence
Extra bed for the father
Birth in a private birthing centre
3. Tips on supplemental insurance for pregnancy
Check whether any existing supplemental insurance policies include maternity benefits. Maternity must be explicitly included when taking out supplemental hospital insurance. This is the only way to access the higher level of comfort offered by semi-private and private wards.
Supplemental insurance policies differ widely here, so it is always worth comparing deals.
It is possible to switch supplemental health insurance during pregnancy. Here's what to look out for when switching insurance during pregnancy.
You can register your baby for health insurance before it is born.
4. What are the waiting periods with regard to maternity cover?
Many supplemental insurance products have a waiting period (also known as a qualifying period) of 9 months to two years for maternity benefits. If you fall pregnant within this waiting period, the supplemental insurance will not pay maternity benefits. Couples planning to have children should therefore consider switching or taking out this insurance in good time.
This article was first published on 10.05.2021