How young drivers can save money on car insurance in Switzerland
In Switzerland, young drivers often pay more for car insurance than experienced drivers. The deductible is also usually higher for them. However, cheap deals can still be found for young drivers. Comparis shares some tips.


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1. How is young driver defined?
If you’re under the age of 25, you are considered a young driver. The term “new driver” applies to drivers who’ve had their licence for less than two years – regardless of age.
2. How much does car insurance cost for young drivers?
A Comparis analysis shows that car insurance premiums for 20-year-olds are up to 145% higher than for 42-year-olds. The full casco premiums in ten urban regions in Switzerland were examined for three age groups (20, 42 and 75 years).
For the survey, Comparis compared insurance premiums for women and men in three age groups. In January 2025, 43,877 online quotes were examined.
First driver profile: 20 years of age, driving licence for two years
Second driver profile: 42 years of age, driving licence for 24 years
Third driver profile: 75 years of age, driving licence for 57 years
The following applies to all driver profiles: Swiss nationality, no claims, refusals or debt rescheduling with previous insurers.
Selected vehicles (prices excluding taxes): Tesla Model Y Long Range station wagon (46,244 francs), Škoda Octavia station wagon from 2024 (36,586 francs), Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 from 2022 (71,138 francs), VW Golf VIII petrol from 2020 (40,056 francs), Toyota Yaris from 2020 (23,959 francs), Volvo XC60 plug-in hybrid from 2022 (77,428 francs); year of purchase 2025, date of first registration February 2025. Not leased.
Regions: five postcodes each for Basel, Bern, Biel, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Ticino, Winterthur and Zurich.
Coverage profile: full casco, 12,000 annual kilometres, including bonus protection and parking damage cover (without unlimited damage), no passenger accident insurance, no breakdown cover, no gross negligence cover, personal belongings not insured, private use with garage at home, insurance starting on 1 February 2025. Deductibles: collision casco 1,000 francs, partial casco: 0 francs. The deductible for liability insurance is variable. Important: additional cover may differ, as some insurers offer dynamic add-ons or individual types of cover may be included as standard (e.g. breakdown cover).
Insurers: Allianz, AXA, Baloise, Elvia, Generali, Helvetia, Postfinance, Simpego, Smile, TCS, Zurich.
What is my savings potential?
The range between the cheapest and most expensive premiums is enormous. Comparis has found that a 20-year-old Tesla Y driver in Lausanne pays up to 4,077 francs more, depending on the provider.
The largest premium difference for a VW Golf for young men is 2,020 francs in Ticino. Young women in Lausanne pay 1,902 francs more for the full casco insurance of a VW Golf, depending on the provider. That’s why a thorough comparison is particularly important for young drivers in order to avoid unnecessarily high costs.
These factors determine the premium amount:
Choice of car insurance
Vehicle owner: gender, nationality, driving experience, place of residence
Vehicle: model, value, engine size, engine power, age, condition and equipment
Scope of coverage: third-party liability, partial casco or full casco
Insurance benefits: deductible, parking damage cover and bonus protection
Previous damage and accidents
Purpose: personal or professional?
Young people are relatively more frequently involved in road accidents than older people. This has a direct effect on premiums.
3. What premium disadvantages do young drivers have?
As a rule, young drivers not only pay higher premiums than experienced drivers. The deductible is also higher – at least 1,000 francs with many insurers.
Good to know
New drivers are subject to special legal requirements, as they only have their driving licence on probation. In their case, there is zero tolerance for drink-driving. After passing the practical driving test, they must also take and pay for a further training course.
4. How young drivers can save money on car insurance
These tips can help young drivers get affordable car insurance:
Take advantage of family rates: Some insurance companies offer special rates for their policyholders’ children or grandchildren. Ask a family member’s insurance company about any such deals on offer.
Choose your car carefully: Pay attention to the age, price and engine size of the vehicle. This has a significant effect on the premium.
Reduce the scope of cover: Only third-party liability insurance is compulsory. Whether you need partial casco or full casco insurance as well depends on your requirements.
Arrange bonus protection insurance. Generally speaking, the higher the bonus level, the more your premium will go up following a claim. If you take out bonus protection insurance, you avoid being moved up to a higher level.
Multi-year contract: You can often benefit from favourable conditions by tying yourself into a multi-year contract.
Pay the premium bills annually: Paying in instalments is usually more expensive than an annual bill. Ask the insurance company for the exact terms and conditions.
Choose a high deductible: The higher the deductible is, the lower the premium.
Compare different offers: Premiums may vary widely from insurer to insurer. For young drivers who already face higher insurance costs, these differences are particularly significant.
This article was first published on 01.09.2021