Family law: what is covered by legal protection insurance?
Does legal expenses insurance cover the lawyer’s fees and legal expenses associate with a divorce? sheds light on the matter.

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Whether you’re dealing with a divorce or inheritance dispute, you’ll find that few insurance products cover family law cases. Here’s what you need to know.
Family law is concerned with all legal issues arising between relatives, spouses and civil partners. These include the following disputes:
Maintenance/alimony payments
Denial of visitation rights
Separation and divorce proceedings
Such disputes are not usually covered by insurance. This means that the insurance company will not normally pay any lawyer’s fees or legal expenses for disputes involving family issues. This is because family law disputes are the most common lawsuits in Switzerland and are very costly.
However, some insurers offer legal protection insurance that covers legal advice from their own lawyers on matters relating to personal, family and inheritance law. The amount covered is up to 500 francs per case and calendar year. Check that family law (including divorce) is included in the legal advice cover.
Important: the cover and benefits provided may differ between insurance companies. It's therefore well worth comparing several options. The cheapest is not always the right option for you.