Your first driving lesson: key info
Want to get your driving licence, but you’re scared about your first driving lesson? Do you have questions about what happens when you learn to drive? Comparis is here to help you get started.


1. How many driving lessons do I have to take?
In Switzerland, driving lessons are not compulsory. Unlike some countries, you don’t have to take driving lessons to get your driving licence. However, to help you pass your driving test and drive safely, it’s worth attending lessons at a driving school. To get your motorcycle licence, 12 hours of lessons are mandatory.
How many driving lessons do people take on average in Switzerland?
According to a 2015 survey, the average number of driving lessons in Switzerland is 29 hours for women and 20 hours for men (link only available in German).
Current figures may differ. Many driving schools report an average of 30 driving lessons. The actual number varies from person to person.
2. How much do driving lessons cost?
Depending on the canton and provider, the cost of a driving lesson in Switzerland is between 84 and 100 francs. The duration of a driving lesson varies depending on the driving school. It usually lasts 45 to 60 minutes.
Some driving schools also offer driving lesson packages. Instead of paying for individual driving lessons, buy a package for multiple lessons at the same driving school. By doing so, you pay less per lesson, and you can save money.
3. When can I start taking driving lessons?
Since January 2021, the provisional licence (also known as a learner’s permit) for category B vehicles has been available from the age of 17.
Category B means: cars or other motor vehicles with at least three wheels and a maximum total weight of 3,500 kilograms. The vehicle may not have more than nine seats. Most cars fall into this category.
Before your first driving lesson, you must do the following:
First aid course: the course takes about 10 hours. Once you complete it successfully, it remains valid for six years.
Eye test: you can take this test with an ophthalmologist or optician. Depending on the result, you may or may not have to wear glasses when driving. The eye test is valid for two years.
Apply for a provisional licence: without this licence (also known as a learner’s permit), you are not allowed to drive on public roads. You can apply for it at the earliest one month before your 17th birthday. You can get it from:
Municipal administrations
City council
Road Traffic Offices
Your provisional licence is valid for two years.
Theory test: you must pass the theory test before you can get your provisional licence and drive. You can register for the exam online. You cannot take driving lessons without passing the theory test.
Have you completed these steps and have received your provisional licence? Then you can start taking driving lessons.
4. How should I prepare for my first driving lesson?
Practising before your first driving lesson
You don’t need any prior knowledge for your driving lessons. But if you want, you can familiarize yourself with how cars work at a car park before your first driving lesson.
For example, you can ask someone with a driver’s licence to explain the most important parts of the car. Ask how to adjust the position of the seat, distance from the steering wheel and mirrors correctly. Don’t worry though – you will also learn this in your first driving lesson.
Do you live near the German border? In Germany, there are what are known as driving practice areas. New or uncertain drivers are allowed to practise here.
Three options close to the border:
Important: you need to pay an entrance fee to practise here. This can only be paid in euros, and sometimes only in cash.
You are not allowed to drive on public roads in Germany with your Swiss provisional licence. This means someone must accompany you, and they must be at the wheel until you reach the driving practice area.
Are you itching to hit the road? Then you can practise driving in an empty car park before your first lesson. Especially with a manual car, it can take a bit of practice to get the feeling of the clutch.
Physical and mental preparation
You have to be fit and healthy to drive. Are you not feeling well, either physically or mentally? Then postpone your driving lesson.
Remember, you’ll make mistakes when practising – and that’s okay. After all, you learn from mistakes.
5. How do driving lessons work?
Basic sequence of driving lessons
Driving lessons vary depending on the driving school. However, they usually follow a similar pattern:
Explanation of the topics: what topics are you going to look at in this lesson? What should you be aware of when driving?
Information about other learners’ mistakes: your driving instructor may tell you about mistakes made by other learners in their driving lessons. This is to help you avoid these mistakes.
Debrief: what did you do well, and what could be improved? Where did you make mistakes? Where can you improve?
Arrange your next lesson. Tip: don’t book lessons during rush hour in the city centre. Otherwise you’ll spend the whole driving lesson in a traffic jam. It’s better to spend your driving lessons on the outskirts of the city. This way you can reach the important places quickly and waste less time.
How your first driving lesson works
How your first driving lesson goes depends on your prior knowledge. If you have little or no prior knowledge, your driving instructor will explain the basics:
Settings in the car: your driving instructor will explain how to adjust the mirrors, seat and distance from the steering wheel correctly.
Get a feeling for the car: you’ll do your first exercises with your driving instructor to get a feel for the car. These might include, for example, stationary steering exercises. In addition, your driving instructor will give you a feel for the pedals by slowly operating them.
First drive: after the initial exercises, you’ll be allowed to drive. First of all, you drive somewhere with little traffic.
Checking your surroundings: where do you look and when? Where do you have to look when turning or parking?
As you start to drive better, your driving instructor will incorporate more elements. For example, you only turn right at first, then later you also start to turn left. At first you drive slowly – and with experience you start to increase the speed.
6. What do I learn in driving school?
In your driving lessons, you’ll learn what you need to master for the practical test. The components of the driving test are regulated by law (link not available in English). In addition, your driving instructor will give you tips and tricks on how to behave on the road.
After passing the practical test, you will receive a probationary driving licence for three years. During this time, you must still attend a compulsory further training course (WAB).
Finding the right driving instructor
You should be comfortable with your driving instructor. This is the only way to learn well. Make the most of free trial lessons offered by driving schools to find the right provider.
Many driving instructors are familiar with possible exam routes. Therefore, it’s best to find a driving school in the area of your local Road Traffic Office.
Friends and family can help you find a driving instructor. Ask around to see if anyone has a recommendation.