Definition of tiers garant and tiers payant: what’s the difference?
After you receive medical treatment, payment is due. Who receives and pays the invoice depends on the remuneration system. Comparis provides definitions of tiers garant and tiers payant, and highlights the differences.


1. Definition and meaning: tiers garant
In the case of tiers garant, the doctor or other service provider sends the invoice directly to you. You are responsible for paying the bill.
You then send the bill to your health insurance provider. The health insurer checks it. If the services are covered by your health insurance, you will receive a refund. However, you will only receive a refund after deducting your out-of-pocket expenses.
Example of tiers garant
You go to the dermatologist for eczema and are given cortisone cream. The dermatologist sends you the invoice for their services and the ointment shortly afterwards. It is now up to you to pay the bill. You will only receive a refund if you send the invoice and the maximum out-of-pocket expenses have already been paid.
How long does it take for me to get a refund?
You will usually get a refund within 30 days after the health insurance company has received your invoice. However, the law does not set a deadline for reimbursement.
Health insurers may extend the refund period, for example, if invoice components are missing or the health insurance company has to obtain information from the service provider. This may also apply if the health insurer consults an independent medical examiner to review the service.
What can I do if the refund is taking too long?
If you do not receive any money from the health insurance company despite being entitled to a refund, you can contact a health insurance ombudsman.
2. Definition and meaning: tiers payant
In the case of tiers payant, the invoice of the service provider goes directly to the health insurance company. The health insurance company pays the bill. Here too, the health insurer checks whether the benefits should be reimbursed by basic or supplemental insurance. If you have not already paid your out-of-pocket expenses, the health insurer will send you an invoice.
Good to know: you will receive a copy of the invoice from either the service provider or the health insurance company.
What is tiers soldant?
In the case of tiers soldant, the service provider sends the invoice to the health insurer. Unlike tiers payant, the health insurance only pays the amount after deducting your out-of-pocket expenses. The service provider must then request the remaining amount from the policyholder.
Tiers soldant is usually only used for accident insurance, as there are no out-of-pocket expenses.
3. When is tiers payant or garant used?
In general, the service providers and health insurance companies determine whether tiers payant or tiers garant is used for outpatient treatments. If the service providers and health insurance companies have not agreed otherwise, tiers garant usually applies. For inpatient stays, tiers payant is prescribed by law (KVG, Art. 42, in German, French and Italian only).
4. I cannot pay the health insurer’s bill. What can I do?
With tiers garant, you will generally only receive refunds after the invoice has been paid. Furthermore, this applies only once you have fully already paid your out-of-pocket expenses.
This can cause problems if you’re in a tight spot financially. There are different solutions for this:
Extend the payment period: ask the service provider for a later due date. Send the invoice to the insurer as soon as possible. This way you will receive the refund before you have to pay the invoice.
Use tiers soldant: ask the service provider if you can use tiers soldant. With tiers soldant, you pass on your claim for reimbursement to the service provider. If you’ve already paid your out-of-pocket expenses, the health insurer will cover the entire invoice.
Be sure to check with your service provider or health insurance company. Together you can usually find a solution.
5. In summary: differences between tiers garant and tiers payant
Tiers garant | Tiers payant | Tiers soldant | |
Payment of the service provider by | The policyholder | The health insurer |
Reimbursement | Health insurer to policyholder:
Policyholder to health insurer:
- |