5 questions about cadastral maps
If you want to buy, build or sell a property, there’s no avoiding the cadastral map. Find out here what cadastral maps contain and how to obtain one.


1. Cadastral maps: definition
A cadastral map is a true-to-scale representation of land and properties. Cadastral maps are relevant to construction law, among other things. In Switzerland, the cantons are responsible for construction law. There are therefore no standardized rules, and use of the term ”cadastral map” can differ. For (prospective) property owners, two of these uses are particularly important:
The cadastral map as part of the documents that must be submitted for mortgage applications and building applications.
The PLR Cadastre, i.e. the cadastre of public law restrictions on landownership.
The cadastral map for building applications and financing
For construction projects requiring a permit, you must submit a building application to the commune. Depending on the commune, a building application includes, among other things, a building application form, a current land register extract, project plans and a current cadastral map. A cadastral map is also known as a cadastral survey or map for the land register.

Extract from the cadastral map of the city of Zurich
This is the data recorded for the land register from the official cadastral survey. It shows the location, boundaries and usage of a plot of land. The borders and boundaries shown are legally valid. The map therefore forms the basis for establishing land ownership in Switzerland.
The construction project must be drawn up to scale on the cadastral map. This is normally done by an architect or structural engineer. Additional project plans must be submitted for larger building projects. You must also submit cadastral maps for your mortgage application. In addition, they are part of a good sales pack when you want to sell your property.
Cadastral plan for property sales
Are you planning to sell a property? A professional sales pack also includes the respective cadastral plan.
It is also important for the successful sale of a house or apartment to determine the value of a property. Our tool helps you get an initial sense of the market value of your property.
The PLR Cadastre
Numerous legal bases and official decrees affect property. These must be taken into account during the approval process for a building project. They are referred to as public law restrictions on landownership (PLR). The PLR Cadastre details 23 of the most important of these in one place. This makes it easier to perform the necessary checks ahead of a building project. Other such restrictions are added on an ongoing basis.
Extract from the PLR Cadastre

The public law restrictions on landownership listed in the PLR Cadastre include land use plans, noise sensitivity requirements, forest perimeters, groundwater protection zones and areas assigned to the military. The cadastre also provides information on any existing underground contamination. You will also find the name and address of offices that can supply further details on a particular plot.
The public law restrictions on landownership will be checked when a building application is submitted. Depending on the canton, they are also part of the documents that must be submitted.
2. What are cadastral maps for?
Cadastral maps are important decision-making instruments for public authorities and private individuals alike. In the context of building projects, they indicate what’s possible, what’s not possible, and where additional permits are required. As well as helping to ensure objectivity when valuing a plot of land, cadastral maps provide transparency and legal clarity.
3. What is the difference between the PLR Cadastre and the land register?
The land register is a national record of rights pertaining to plots of land. Land register extracts secure private ownership rights to real estate and provide information on easements such as building regulations, rights of way or usufruct, as well as land charges and liens. An entry in the land register establishes, amends, transfers or cancels such rights.
Extracts from the land register each contain a cadastral number. This refers to the cadastral maps associated with the land register.
The PLR Cadastre is concerned with public law. It provides details of landownership restrictions based on federal or cantonal law. Unlike the land register, the PLR Cadastre does not only contain legally binding ownership restrictions. It also includes information on ongoing amendments that may have a legal precedence. The PLR Cadastre contains construction lines and project planning zones and thus provides information on, for example, where a motorway could later be built.
Building authorities refer to the PLR Cadastre to check whether a building application complies with legally binding specifications.
The cantons are responsible for the land register. The PLR Cadastre is also managed by the cantons, while the Federal Office for Topography (swisstopo) is responsible for overall supervision.
4. Where can I order a cadastral map?
Cadastral extracts or maps for the land register
If you are submitting a building application, you can obtain the necessary cadastral map containing data from the cadastral survey from the responsible review office. You can see who the surveyor for the corresponding property is at cadastre.ch.
Depending on the type of extract ordered (certified or not, analogue or digital), the costs may vary. In the city of Zurich, for example, a certified extract from the map for the land register costs 70 francs, and each additional copy 5 francs (link only available in German).
Extract from the PLR Cadastre
Some data from the PLR Cadastre is available online. You can view this data and download it in PDF format free of charge. To do this, visit the website and enter the relevant address in the search field.
Extract from the PLR Cadastre

Then click in the information displayed under “PLR Cadastre: Availability of the information” on the link to the PDF excerpt. You can also find the responsible review office under the information displayed.
Extract from the PLR Cadastre

With a few exceptions (St. Gallen and Ticino), the PLR Cadastre has already been introduced in all Swiss cantons.
5. What else do I need to know?
Anyone can view cadastral maps. You can therefore obtain lots of information about a plot of land without having to prove that you have a special interest in it. This also means that there can be no grounds for objecting to landownership restrictions or upcoming infrastructure projects.
If you are thinking of purchasing a property, you should research any possible landownership restrictions or planned transport-related building lines thoroughly first.
This article was first published on 01.09.2021