
Regional property prices in Switzerland

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Average purchase price per m² for Switzerland

Prices for a single-family house

The average price per square metre for a single-family house in Switzerland is CHF 7'720 and the price per square metre can vary between CHF 1'000 and CHF 36'364.

Prices for an apartment

The average price per square metre for an apartment in Switzerland is CHF 8'419 and the price per square metre can vary between CHF 1'472 and CHF 29'018.

Last updated on 25.03.2024

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FAQs about property prices

We calculate current property prices on the basis of all the listings published on the largest Swiss property platforms within the past year. If more than one listing is found for a property, we only use the information provided in the most recent listing. In addition, we only include districts for which there have been at least 100 listings in the last 10 years. In order to exclude incorrect prices and extreme values as far as possible, listings for which the price per square metre is above or below a certain limit are discarded. We set these limits so that 95% of listings are accepted.

You can use our simple price history tool to see previous asking prices for homes in your neighbourhood. You can also use it to track price changes for individual apartments and houses.

The market value is the result of a property valuation and is the price a property can achieve when it is put on the market. This value applies as at a specific date and forms the basis for determining the selling price of a property. It is influenced by various factors. You can use the Comparis property valuation tool to get a free estimate of the value of your property in just a few minutes.

The capital gain on a property is the difference between the selling price and the amount of money invested in the property. These profits from property sales are subject to capital gains tax, the amount of which varies from canton to canton and sometimes also by municipal authority. As well as the profit, the length of time you have owned the property and how it was used also affects the capital gains tax due.

To calculate the affordability of a mortgage and explore your financial options, we recommend you use the Comparis mortgage calculator. You can find more information in our article on affordability and the loan-to-value ratio.