Rent an apartment in the canton Glarus

The canton of Glarus and your new home

If you would like to live in the canton of Glarus, then you have come to the right place. comparis.ch concisely presents the topics that will be most relevant and useful to you when looking for a new home in the canton of Glarus.

Interesting facts about infrastructure

Public transport is very well developed in the canton of Glarus. The journey from the capital of Glarus, Glarus City, to Zurich Airport takes approx. 1h 30' by train and 1h 10' by car. The following motorway passes through the canton: A3 towards Basel / Sarganserland.

How high are taxes in the canton of Glarus?

If you intend to live in the canton of Glarus, you should know that the tax burden is rather high compared to other cantons.

You can obtain more detailed information from the Comparis Tax Calculator: Compare taxes and save money

Key facts about the real estate market

Those wanting to settle in the Glarus region will find a sufficient supply of rental property.

In the following section, we have put together the most important figures concerning the housing market in the canton of Glarus.

  • Rent: According to the Federal Statistical Office (BFS), the average net rent (without incidental expenses) for a 3-room flat was roughly 1049 francs in 2013. This puts the canton of Glarus in 5th place out of 26 in the ranking of rents from cheapest to most expensive. The canton of Jura is in the lead with 861 francs.
  • Shortage of housing: According to the Federal Statistical Office (BFS), the vacancy rate was about 2.12 per cent in 2015. If this rate is higher than one per cent, there is no housing shortage. This means that there is a sufficient supply of rental property in the canton of Glarus.
  • Housing construction: According to the Federal Statistical Office (BFS), 3.2 new flats were built for every thousand inhabitants in 2012. This is less than the Swiss average of 5.6.
  • Supply of real estate listings: Including the 16 major property portals, comparis.ch offers more than 100,000 listings of properties to let and for sale. This allows for a more detailed analysis of the real estate market. Based on internal data evaluation, comparis.ch has therefore compiled a ranking of the number of property listings for 2014 for house hunters and everybody else who might be interested. This ranking includes all 26 Swiss cantons. With 2,722 listed flats, the canton of Glarus is in 24th place. The canton of Zurich is in the lead with 191,483 listings. Appenzell-Innerrhoden brings up the rear with 1089 listings.

Get started now and find your new home!

We help you find the right flat for you in the canton of Glarus. With comparis.ch house hunting becomes much easier. Here you can find all listings from the largest Swiss property portals including price development and rents in the neighbourhood for the whole canton of Glarus: House and flat search

Municipalities in this canton



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