Doctor search Switzerland
Find the right doctor, practice or hospital for you quickly and easily via Comparis.
The medical directory for Switzerland
Over 40,000 providers
Find a suitable specialist, practice or hospital in your area.
Accepting new patients status
Check whether doctors are accepting new patients.
Easy to get in touch
Contact doctors, practices and hospitals quickly and easily online, by phone or by fax.
Over 40,000 providers
Find a suitable specialist, practice or hospital in your area.
Accepting new patients status
Check whether doctors are accepting new patients.
Easy to get in touch
Contact doctors, practices and hospitals quickly and easily online, by phone or by fax.
Important details about doctors, drugs and medicine
Here you’ll find important information at a glance.
Find a doctor, practice or hospital in 4 steps
The two search fields will help you find the most suitable doctor, practice or hospital for you more quickly.
In the first field, “Medical field or name”, you can enter either a medical specialization, such as family doctor or cardiology, or the name of a doctor, practice or hospital. Choose the provider from the options provided, and the results and profile page will be displayed directly. Alternatively, you can find an overview of all medical fields here.
In the second field, you can enter a postcode or location to narrow your search. You can see a list of locations here.
Comparis generates a list of doctors, practices and hospitals that match your search criteria. The search results are ranked according to objectively measurable criteria. This includes, for example, the option to book an appointment online or information on the admission of new patients. What priority these objectively measurable criteria have may change for testing purposes. You can refine your search using the filters at any time.
You can click on “Show map” to see where exactly the doctors are located. Click on the pins to view their profile pages. Click on the relevant button to receive corresponding information.
The articles below contain tips to help you find the right medical professional for your needs:
Once you have found your doctor, practice or hospital, you can contact them via the medical directory.
To do this, click on the doctor, practice or hospital to display the detailed view. Here you will find various ways to contact them, from contact forms to telephone numbers. Note that, as a rule, both direct lines and practice/hospital numbers are listed.
This directory contains providers that accept contact requests from Comparis, as well as providers that do not accept contact requests from Comparis. The providers shown on this comparison tool have published data that Comparis can access, or have published data to which Comparis has access via the following service providers: FOPH, SM Marketing; EQUAM.
The search results are ranked according to objectively measurable criteria. This includes, for example, the option to book an appointment online or information on the admission of new patients. What priority these objectively measurable criteria have may change for testing purposes.
Find family doctors in the biggest Swiss cities
Find family doctors in the biggest Swiss cities via Comparis
FAQs on the medical directory and visiting a doctor
On our info page about visiting the doctor you can find articles that will help you find the right family doctor, gynaecologist, paediatrician or specialist.
The easiest way to find the right doctor is with the Comparis medical directory. With more than 40,000 doctors and 20,000 practices, we maintain the most complete register of physicians in Switzerland.
You can simply enter the specialist area and the desired location in the search and see which doctors or specialists are available where you are and if they are accepting new patients.
The profile page for doctors and practices shows whether they are accepting new patients.
Unfortunately, this information is not yet available for all the doctors and practices listed. You can ask about the status of patient admissions using the contact function. We are working to expand admission status information and to show it for as many doctors as possible.
The medical directory lists over 40,000 doctors from all 46 specialist fields recognized in Switzerland – from allergology to dentistry. It lists all the contact details for doctors and medical practices, rather like an electronic telephone directory. You’ll find useful information such as a doctor’s specialist fields, professional development activities and quality accreditations. Regular updates and further developments ensure that you can find the right doctor for you even faster.
The Comparis medical directory lists over 40,000 doctors in Switzerland. It therefore represents the majority of all doctors working in the country.
The directory draws on information from a range of publicly available sources. We will update the directory correspondingly if we receive a relevant report. Reports can come from:
Private data providers
Search the Comparis medical directory to find suitable doctors in your area quickly and easily. In the search window, enter the name or the specialist field and the desired location. We’ll then show you the most relevant doctors or specialists from our register.
The results page is sorted according to the following criteria:
Relevance after entering your details
Name or specialist field
Activated filters
Profiles with online appointment booking activated
Profiles with profile picture
Profiles that accept new patients
Clicking on one of the green pins on the map on the results page will display a short profile of the doctor, practice or hospital. Use filters to refine the results further.
With the Comparis medical directory, you can easily book appointments with an ever increasing number of doctors online under the following conditions:
The practices have an online booking function.
Comparis can directly or indirectly access the booking function.
In the search window, enter the doctor’s name or specialist field or the location. Then select the “Online appointment booking” filter. Only doctors offering online appointment bookings will be shown.
Please send us an email at We will contact you as soon as possible.
Important topics about doctors and treatment
Comparis gives advice on what to watch out for when it comes to doctors and treatment.
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Medical directory