
Taking out car insurance without a driving licence

Insuring a car without your own driving licence? It’s possible and sometimes also useful. Comparis explains what you need to know.

Magdalena Soll Foto
Magdalena Soll


A toy car is on some Swiss francs.

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1.Taking out car insurance without a driving licence: why it can make sense
2.Does the insurance company need to know about the lack of driving licence?
3.Effects on car insurance premiums
4.What are the disadvantages of insurance without a driving licence?

1. Taking out car insurance without a driving licence: why it can make sense

Driving without a valid driving licence is prohibited. But you can still take out car insurance in Switzerland without a driving licence.

There are a number of reasons for taking out car insurance without a driving licence:

  • You are buying your first car before passing your driving test: this is particularly interesting for new drivers. People with a driving licence can then use their vehicle straight away.

  • Taking out a new insurance policy for third parties: such as parents for their children. This way, you can help to finance the car even without a driving licence.

  • Buying a car with a revoked driving licence: in most cases, the revocation is only temporary. You can buy and insure the car even without a valid driving licence. However, you must report the revocation to the insurance company for both existing and new contracts.

  • Car ownership after handing in a driving licence: if you hand in your driving licence due to your age, you can keep the car. Other people can continue to use it.

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Important: if the main driver changes, you must inform the insurance company. This also applies if someone other than you drives the car most often after taking out the insurance policy.

2. Does the insurance company need to know about the lack of driving licence?

In general, the insurance company does not check whether you have a valid driving licence. When applying for a policy, you need to submit the following documents to the insurance company: 

  • Vehicle registration document

  • Purchase or lease agreement 

  • In some cases, the old insurance policy 

Important: you should correctly disclose the main driver to the insurance company. This applies both to a change of the main driver and to a new contract.

Important: insurers are not obliged to conclude a contract with you. If taking out car insurance is too risky from the perspective of an insurance company, it will not do so.

You should also avoid providing incorrect information on your insurance application. In the event of incorrect information, the obligation to provide cover may be denied. If the insurance company has already made payments, it can demand their reimbursement.

3. Effects on car insurance premiums

The premium for car insurance depends on various factors. The greatest influencing factor is the car to be insured. In addition, the car owner and the main driver also play an important role.

Higher premiums for new drivers

Young drivers and new drivers have a statistically higher risk of accidents. That is why the insurance premiums for this group are often higher. Moreover, a higher coinsurance is standard for young drivers and new drivers.

If a vehicle including number plate is handed over to you within the family, you must take over the existing insurance policy. You cannot terminate the policy extraordinarily.

4. What are the disadvantages of insurance without a driving licence?

The same rules apply to all policyholders – regardless of whether you have a driving licence or not.

The rules are as follows:

  • After taking out the policy, you are responsible for paying the insurance premium. If you fall behind on payments, you may face some disadvantages. This may include an entry in the debt collection register.

  • In the event of an accident, the insurance company may terminate the contract. In addition, without bonus protection, you could face a premium increase due to the bonus system.

Compare car insurance premiums

With Comparis, you can compare car insurance premiums and calculate your savings potential.

This article was first published on 13.12.2021

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