
When does a loan make sense?

People often take out loans due to changes in their life circumstances. This could mean making a necessary purchase like a car, or fulfilling a long-held dream without emptying your savings account.

When a loan is suitable — and when not

In principle, loans can be suitable:

  • For getting through temporary financial difficulties.

  • When you need additional funds quickly and don’t have time to save.

  • For making long-term purchases such as furniture or a car.

  • For investing in your future, such as by taking a continuing education course.

  • If you have stable income but need to preserve your savings.

Loans should be avoided in these cases:

  • For ongoing financial difficulties that a loan would only postpone.

  • For non-durable goods or leisure activities and holidays.

  • For non-essential products that far exceed your means.

What do Swiss people most often take out a loan for?

Financing the purchase of a vehicle is the most common reason for taking out a loan

More than one-fifth of Swiss households have at least one loan for buying a car (source: Swiss Federal Statistical Office, published February 2020, not available in English).

Reasons for taking out a loan in Switzerland: car purchase 23.3%, real estate and furniture 15.7%, financial bottlenecks 4.9%


When does it make sense to take out a loan for buying a car?

When buying a car, you have the option of paying with your available means (e.g. in cash, via bank transfer, etc.), entering into a leasing agreement or taking out a car loan. Paying in cash is definitely the cheapest option, but the funds aren’t always available. If your budget is tight, it makes more sense to take out a loan to buy a used car instead of leasing a new car. This means that most cars bought on credit are vehicles for everyday use, not luxury purchases. 

Reasons for taking out a car loan:

  • You can’t wait to make the purchase

  • Your family is about to grow

  • Your current car broke down

  • You don’t want to dip into your savings

What would you like to finance?

Approval of a loan is forbidden by law if it would lead to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).