
Riding a motorcycle in winter: how to stay safe

Many people leave their two-wheeler in their garage during the cold season. You can also ride your motorcycle or Vespa in winter – provided you take the right safety precautions.

Adi Kolecic Foto
Adi Kolecic


Iced motorcycle in winter with frozen windshield

iStock / flyparade

1.Riding a motorcycle in winter: in principle, it's possible
2.Are winter tyres compulsory for two-wheelers in Switzerland: yes and no
3.Particularly important in winter: motorcycle control
4.The right motorcycle clothing for winter
5.Which motorcycles are suitable for winter?

1. Riding a motorcycle in winter: in principle, it's possible

Do you want to ride your motorbike in winter? Whether it's safe enough depends on three factors:

  • Weather

  • Road conditions

  • Temperature

In snow, ice and slippery conditions, it's better to leave your motorcycle on the driveway. Note: loose grit also causes a risk of slipping.

You can ride in good road conditions and with warm winter protective clothing, but pay attention to the temperature:

  • Over five degrees: you can ride your motorcycle or Vespa without issue.

  • Zero to five degrees: dangerous ground frost may form. In urban areas, however, the road is still usually safe. Make sure that the streets have been cleared. Ride slowly and for a maximum of one hour. This is because road conditions can change quickly at these temperatures.

  • Negative temperatures: only ride with winter tyres and good protective winter clothing.

  • Colder than minus five degrees: the risk of slipping or hypothermia is too great. Leave your motorcycle or scooter at home.

The right driving behaviour in winter: tips

  • When braking on slippery roads, use the rear-wheel brake and the front-wheel brake very carefully to avoid jamming the front-wheel.

  • Make sure you keep a safe distance from other road users and ride slowly.

  • When riding your motorbike, keep your feet firmly on the foot rests and your hands in a relaxed position on the handlebars.

  • Riding on new snow is safer than on packed tracks that have become solid.

  • You should practise riding your motorbike on a slippery surface. If necessary, attend a skid control course. You can find options at the TCS, ACS or at driving schools.

2. Are winter tyres compulsory for two-wheelers in Switzerland: yes and no

Winter tyres are not generally compulsory for motorcycles in winter. But you must be able to master your vehicle at all times. In case of frost, snow, slush or ice, this is only possible for motorcycles with winter tyres.

This means that even in December you may cruise around with summer tyres as long as the weather is good. If the weather changes and you cause an accident, then your motorcycle insurance can take recourse against you – and this puts a strain on your wallet.

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Winter tyres for scooters

The TCS has tested winter tyres for scooters (link available in German). The result: they only provide more safety on snow. On wet and dry roads, summer tyres have the shorter braking distance.

To ensure that the wheels have enough grip on cold asphalt, touring tyres are recommended. They have a short warm-up time and a wet profile.

3. Particularly important in winter: motorcycle control

In winter, you should thoroughly check your motorcycle before each ride. Do the lights, brakes, indicators, battery and drive chain work properly? If so, you can go.

You should also regularly check the level of the brake fluid, the tyre profile and the tyre pressure. Road salt can cause corrosion damage to your motorcycle. In winter, thoroughly clean your motorbike after taking it out.

4. The right motorcycle clothing for winter

High-quality winter equipment is warm, windproof and ensures visibility. Solid, lined winter motorcycle boots are a must. It's worth wearing warm undergloves. Thermal underwear keeps you extra warm.

Because of the low sun, there is a risk of glare: use a helmet with a tinted or sun visor, or your sunglasses. A balaclava under your helmet protects your face from icy winds.

The big problem in winter is that your warm breath fogs up the visor. Our tips to keep you safe:

  • A Pinlock visor prevents fogging thanks to its two panes. The additional pane also tackles double reflection when exposed to sunlight.

  • Anti-fog film is much cheaper and easier to attach. It is available from around 15 francs. Simply glue on the inside of the visor and you're done. Unfortunately, these films are very susceptible to scratches.

  • Anti-fog spray is an even cheaper option, however you need to reapply the spray regularly.

  • Heated visors are more expensive. They can also be difficult to find in Switzerland. You may have more luck ordering online from North America.

5. Which motorcycles are suitable for winter?

Do you want to buy a motorcycle that you can ride in winter? Light but robust vehicles are particularly suitable for this. In addition, they should be low-maintenance. Motorcycles with few built-in electronics are less prone to cold damage. Good examples of winter bikes are the Yamaha XJ 9000 S Diversion or the BMW K75 C.

This article was first published on 09.12.2014

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