
Financial protection

Life insurance protects your loved ones in the event of death and disability and can be used to build pension savings.

Do you want to protect your family, provide for retirement, save on taxes or insure your income in case of inability to work? The right life insurance policy can provide financial security for you and your family. There are many benefits to taking out life insurance. But which type of life insurance suits which need? Comparis explores the options.

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Protect yourself against risk with life insurance

Unexpected events such as illness, an accident, reliance on care services or a death can be a strain on your finances. By taking out risk insurance, you can protect yourself and your relatives. In addition, you can use life insurance to accumulate a private pension, in the tax-privileged pillar 3a or in the unrestricted pension plan (pillar 3b). Get advice to find the right life insurance.

Is life insurance necessary? When is it worth it?


What is life insurance?

Calculating your pension shortfall in Switzerland


Life insurance – common myths debunked


Protecting your family and partner

Do you want to protect your family or partner, provide for retirement, save on tax or insure your income in case of inability to work? The right life insurance policy can provide financial security for you and your loved ones.

How life insurance works

In Switzerland, a distinction is made between risk life insurance and endowment life insurance. You can choose whether to take them out as a pillar 3a or unrestricted pillar 3b plan. Comparis provides no-obligation advice to help you protect yourself and your relatives.