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Contribution to hospital costs: how much do I have to pay?

Patients must contribute to hospital costs. Find out how much a day in hospital can cost, and why you have to pay. We also explain what the costs of a hospital stay cover.

Elena Wetli Foto
Elena Wetli


A woman lying in a hospital bed with a nurse by her side.


1.What is the hospital contribution?
2.Who does not have to pay the hospital contribution?
3.Staying in hospital: how high are the costs per day in Switzerland?
4.Out-of-pocket expenses for hospital stays: what might I have to pay?

1. What is the hospital contribution?

You must contribute towards the cost of meals while you are in hospital. This is referred to as the hospital contribution.

It costs 15 francs per day. You only pay it if you stay in hospital overnight

Good to know: patients’ contribution to hospital costs is set out in the Health Insurance Act (Art. 64 para. 5 KVG) and in the Ordinance on Health Insurance (Art. 104 VHH).

2. Who does not have to pay the hospital contribution?

As a rule, adults have to contribute 15 francs per day spent in hospital without limit. The following exemptions apply:

  • Hospital visits without overnight stays

  • Children up to 18 years

  • Adults up to age 25 who are still in education or vocational training

  • Women receiving maternity benefits

  • Day of discharge and holidays

3. Staying in hospital: how high are the costs per day in Switzerland?

The cost per day for a hospital stay varies from case to case. However, costs of around 2,500 francs per day are possible. Depending on the treatment, the costs can be much higher.

Two examples of possible hospital costs per day

The costs for acute bronchitis come to around 4,500 francs. The hospital stay lasts two days. The treatment costs about 2,250 francs per day.

Coronary bypass surgery (for circulatory disorders of the heart) costs a total of around 42,000 francs. The hospital stay lasts nine days. The treatment costs about 4,650 francs per day.

Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

4. Out-of-pocket expenses for hospital stays: what might I have to pay?

Is your medical care covered by basic health insurance? Then you only need to pay the out-of-pocket expenses during a hospital stay. The out-of-pocket expenses for basic insurance consist of:

  • Deductible between 300 and 2,500 francs per year

  • Coinsurance of a maximum of 700 francs per year

  • The hospital contribution costs 15 francs per day

Out-of-pocket expenses for hospital stays: example calculation

Hospital stay for six days. The treatment costs 9,000 francs. The out-of-pocket expenses come to between 1,075 and 3,275 francs. How high the cost ultimately depends on your deductible.

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