2 Rooms, 40 m²
Property type
Furnished apartment
Rent per month
CHF 2,650
8050 Zürich
Friesstrasse 8
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Property type
Furnished apartment
not available
Living space
40 m²
Year of construction
not available
Pets allowed
Rent per month
Rent per month
CHF 2,650
Cable TV
2 Zimmer in Oerlikon
All Inclusive
\- komplett möbliert (kann entfernt werden)
\- gratis Wi-Fi Internet
\- alle Nebenkosten inbegriffen (inkl. Strom, Heizkosten, Waschküche, etc.)
\- Haustiere auf Anfrage
\- 2 Monatsmieten Depot
Angegebener Mietpreis gilt ab einer Mindestmietdauer von 1Monat, Kündigungsfrist 30 Tage.
All inclusive
\- completely furnished (can be removed)
\- free Wi-Fi internet access
\- all additional costs included (incl. electricity, heating costs, shared laundry, etc.)
\- Pets allowed on request
\- 2 months deposit
The indicated rental price is valid from a minimum rental period of 1 month, notice period 30 days.
\- komplett möbliert (kann entfernt werden)
\- gratis Wi-Fi Internet
\- alle Nebenkosten inbegriffen (inkl. Strom, Heizkosten, Waschküche, etc.)
\- Haustiere auf Anfrage
\- 2 Monatsmieten Depot
Angegebener Mietpreis gilt ab einer Mindestmietdauer von 1Monat, Kündigungsfrist 30 Tage.
All inclusive
\- completely furnished (can be removed)
\- free Wi-Fi internet access
\- all additional costs included (incl. electricity, heating costs, shared laundry, etc.)
\- Pets allowed on request
\- 2 months deposit
The indicated rental price is valid from a minimum rental period of 1 month, notice period 30 days.
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