Living at home: how much board should adult children pay?
A Comparis study shows that young adults are living with their parents for longer and saving money. How much board should they pay? And what makes living together go smoothly? Comparis shares some tips.
iStock/Vasyl Dolmatov
1. Living with adult children in Switzerland: study results at a glance
Young adults are staying with their parents longer and longer. The representative survey by Comparis shows:
Around a quarter of 20 to 29-year-olds live with their parents.
More than half of those living at home can’t afford their own apartment because they are still in education or training.
Almost one in two people pay nothing towards rent or food.
Almost a quarter live with their parents to avoid having to participate in housework.
2. How much board can I charge adult children?
Parents should ask for board towards living costs and food. Paying board helps young adults get used to the cost of living. Board suggestions are available from Budgetberatung Schweiz (not available in English).
3. Tips for living together
Determine how adult children will contribute financially to the household.
Establish rules for living together, including housework.
Things will not always go smoothly. In case of conflict, try to approach each other as equals. Generally, the relationship should move towards a shared household rather than the previous parent-child paradigm.
When it’s time for their own place
Someday, the time will come for adult children to move out. When that happens, online portals are the first choice for finding a suitable apartment. Comparis shows listings from the largest Swiss property portals and regularly provides news, information and tips on living.
This article was first published on 20.06.2017