

There are various property websites in Switzerland. Immoscout24 is one of the more well-known platforms. Here’s what you need to know about Immoscout24.


A young couple gets the keys to their new apartment

iStock / martin-dm

Scout24 Switzerland Ltd. is the largest network of online market places for vehicles, jobs, real estate and classifieds in Switzerland. ImmoScout24 is a division of SMG Swiss Marketplace Group Ltd. The SMG is owned by TX Group AG (31%), Ringier Digital AG (29,5%), the Swiss assurance company Die Mobiliar (29,5%) and General Atlantic (10%).

The portfolio of Scout24 Switzerland Ltd. includes:

  • ImmoScout24

  • AutoScout24

  • MotoScout24

  • JobScout24

  • Anibis

Development of ImmoScout24

In 1995 Daniel Grossen founded Xmedia AG and, from this, Autoscout24 Switzerland Ltd. in 1996. Two years later, in 1998, the property portal called Immoscout24 was founded. It was followed by Jobscout24, a career platform, three years after that, and later also by FriendScout24, a dating website. Since 2006, TopJobs, a platform for management positions, and Motoscout24, a motorcycle marketplace, have also been part of Scout24 Switzerland Ltd. In late 2007, the classifieds portal at anibis.ch went online, offering over 300 categories of products and services.

On ImmoScout24, users can find more than 70,000 listings.

For the prices applying to private individuals or holiday property, please contact ImmoScout24 directly.

The ImmoScout24 website also offers information on plenty of real estate-related topics: For furniture and decoration, the portal provides a link to the well-known Swedish home furnishing retailer, IKEA. In the News and Trends section, users can find reports and lifestyle articles, sign up for a newsletter or follow the link to the relocation programme 'Move In!'. Furthermore, they can browse through various guides (e.g. concerning relocation, finance, insurance, tax optimisation and energy) and obtain valuable tips.

The portal can be contacted at the following address:

Scout24 Switzerland Ltd. ImmoScout24 Industriestrasse 44 CH-3175 Flamatt helpdesk@immoscout24.ch 031 744 17 40 Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.