What should I bear in mind if I need braces?
Do you know what kind of braces are right for you? Learn about how braces can help correct crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw.

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Sometimes you need help to achieve a perfect bite. Braces can help correct misaligned teeth and jaws. Here’s what to bear in mind.
When do you need to wear braces?
The use of braces depends on how badly your teeth and jaws are misaligned. If your misaligned teeth put you at risk of functional problems (e.g. difficulty chewing, impaired dentition development), then treatment with braces is indicated. Slightly crooked teeth don't necessarily need to be corrected.
However, braces are often used for aesthetic purposes, not just for medical reasons. According to a study (in German, French and Italian only) by the Federal Statistical Office, 28% of all Swiss people have worn braces at some point in their lives. For 15 to 24 year olds, this figure rises to more than one in every two people.
For young and old alike, there are no age limits for wearing braces. Sometimes braces are even used on baby teeth to correct conditions such as cleft palate or to keep tooth gaps open temporarily.
What different kinds of braces are there?
Fixed braces are attached to the teeth with a plastic-based adhesive and cannot be removed until the end of treatment. Brackets made of metal or ceramic are attached to the teeth and linked together with metal bands and wires.
Lingual braces are based on the same concept, except the brackets are applied to the inside of the teeth in front of the tongue.
Removable braces, or retainers, are individually produced based on your dental moulds. They consist of plastic trays and metal attachments and have to be regularly adjusted in a precise way using a small tool.
The Invisalign system uses invisible custom-made plastic trays, also known as aligners, to correct crooked teeth. The trays are worn day and night but can easily be removed and cleaned.
How much will my basic health insurance pay for braces?
Generally, dental treatment and services related to dental hygiene are not covered by basic insurance. Basic insurance will only cover the costs in the following cases:
Severe disease of the masticatory system
Dental treatments needed because of another disease
It's worth checking out whether supplemental dental insurance or another supplemental insurance is right for you.
Ask your dentist or orthodontist for a cost estimate
Clarify costs ahead of time
Be sure to ask how much the following cost:
Attaching the braces
Follow-up appointments (e.g. making adjustments to guide the teeth)
Removing the braces
Ask questions about the cost estimate: tariff point values, diagnosis and recommended treatment plan
Ask for details on any unclear points. It's also an option to get a second opinion and/or a second cost estimate
Check your budget. Some dentists offer loans or instalment plans to help patients pay for expensive procedures. Compare loan providers and interest if needed.
Possible issues caused by incorrect bite and jaw alignment
Cavities and gum disease (periodontitis) caused by crowding and overlapping teeth
Stomach and gut problems due to difficulty biting and chewing
Difficulty swallowing
Speech impediments (e.g. lisp)
Breathing problems (e.g. obstructed breathing due to recessed lower jaw)
Increased mouth breathing leading to snoring and susceptibility to infection
Difficulty concentrating due to chronic pain
Progressive worsening of tooth alignment
Headaches from tense jaw and neck muscles
What are the risks and side effects of wearing braces?
It is normal to experience slight toothaches right after braces are installed or adjusted. They usually go away after a few days. Patients can expect their lips and tongue to be irritated by the presence of foreign objects in the mouth. Patients also need to meticulously practice oral hygiene according to the instructions of their orthodontist – otherwise they are at higher risk of developing cavities. In rare cases, braces can cause inflammation, growth or recession of the gums. Tooth enamel can be damaged while removing braces.
Tips for successfully correcting your bite
Successful treatment with braces requires your cooperation
Thoroughly and regularly cleaning your teeth is of utmost importance, since bits of food easily get stuck in braces.
Going in for check-ups is important, for identifying problems early on and for monitoring treatment progress.
If your braces get damaged, have them repaired by your dentist as soon as possible.
You'll need to use a retainer to keep your teeth in position once braces are removed. This removable retainer should be worn for as long and often as possible in order to maintain treatment results over the long term.
How long do you have to wear braces?
The length of treatment will depend on your degree of malocclusion. For simpler cases, treatment usually takes between one and two years. However, you still shouldn't expect 100% perfection even after years of wearing braces. Your teeth will shift once again after your braces are removed.
Who can help me with braces – an orthodontist or a dentist?
Orthodontics is a subspecialty of dental medicine focused on preventing and treating jaw misalignments and incorrect bites. To become an orthodontist, dentists have to complete a four-year advanced specialist training programme. A dentist with a specialization in orthodontics is the best person to turn to for questions about braces.