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About Prof. Dr. med. Julius Popp
Personal information:
- Acceptance of new patients – please check-
Nationality: Germany
When looking for a doctor, it is a good idea to check their qualifications. It is important that the doctor has a specialist medical title in the relevant field of treatment. Doctors that hold such a… Read more
Specialist medical title
Psychiatry and psychotherapy
Psychiatry and psychotherapyIssued:
Germany, 2007
Recognized in Switzerland:
State exam
Germany, 1999
Recognized in Switzerland:
Licence to practise
Practice locations
Prof. Dr. med. Julius Popp works at 2 practice locations:
Show telephone hours
Main practice location of Prof. Dr. med. Julius Popp. He works here as a Practice and hospital doctor.
Prof. Dr. med. Julius Popp works here as a Attending/consultant physician.
There are no services listed for Prof. Dr. med. Julius Popp.
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