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Über PD Dr. med. Pascal Frei
- Aufnahme neuer Patienten je Tätigkeitsstandort unterschiedlich-
Nationalität: Switzerland
German, English, French
Fax: 043 268 79 65
Bei der Suche nach einem passenden Arzt lohnt es sich, dessen Qualifikationen zu prüfen. Ein wichtiger Indikator ist, dass der Arzt einen Facharzttitel im Behandlungsgebiet hat. Ärzte, die einen… Mehr lesen
Switzerland, 2011
General internal medicine
Switzerland, 2010
Switzerland, 2001
PD Dr. med. Pascal Frei ist an 2 Standorten tätig:
Hauptstandort von PD Dr. med. Pascal Frei. Er arbeitet hier als Attending/consultant physician.
PD Dr. med. Pascal Frei arbeitet hier als Attending/consultant physician.
Preventive colonoscopy
The screening colonoscopy is carried out carefully, practically always under sedation, and the result is explained in detail and clearly afterwards.
Treatment for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
I treat chronic inflammatory bowel diseases ("IBD") according to the latest scientific findings and offer the entire spectrum of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapies.
Clarification of hepatological diseases
Hepatological investigations are based on medical history, ultrasound, fibroscan and, if necessary, liver biopsies.
Irritable bowel syndrome
I clarify complaints in the sense of irritable bowel syndrome, but also try to prevent cost-intensive over-examination.
Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal tumor diseases
In addition to diagnostics, I am responsible for the interdisciplinary treatment of cancer within the framework of our Interdigest network of doctors.
Leistungen und Angebote
Preventive examinations and therapeutic endoscopies
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy as part of complaint investigations
Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
Drug therapies
Second opinions
Beruflicher Werdegang
2015 - Today
Habilitation 2015 and teaching position at the University of Zurich since then
2015 - Today
Joint practice Gastroenterology Bethanien
Habilitation ("Venia Legendi") in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich
Ärztevereinigungen und Fachgesellschaften
Mitgliedschaften von PD Dr. med. Pascal Frei
Ärztegesellschaft des Kt. ZH
FMH: Swiss Medical Association
Swiss Society of Gastroenterology
Swiss Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (SGUM)
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