About the health facility
In addition to extended primary care, the Department of Surgery offers a wide range of specialty services.
Information about the health facility:
- Accepting new patients
Fax: 044 733 24 05
Practice location
Opening hours
Please contact the location to find out the opening hours.
Doctors at this health facility
12 doctors work at this health facility:
Dr. med. Karl Müller
Attending/consultant physician · Surgery, Hand surgery
This is one of several practice locations of Dr. med. Karl Müller. His main practice location is: Praxis Dr. med. Müller Karl
Prof. Dr. med. Urs Zingg
Head Physician · Surgery
Dr. med. Franziska Grafen
Deputy Head physician · Surgery
Surgery of benign and malignant tumors of the abdomen
Surgery of diaphragmatic hernias and acid reflux
Surgery of the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands
Surgery of the anus (proctology)
Obesity surgery
There are no services listed for this practice location.
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