Docteur Pierre Coulon
Practice doctor · Ophthalmology
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About Docteur Pierre Coulon
Personal information:
- Acceptance of new patients – please check-
Nationality: France
French, English, Spanish
Fax: 027 324 44 61
When looking for a doctor, it is a good idea to check their qualifications. It is important that the doctor has a specialist medical title in the relevant field of treatment. Doctors that hold such a… Read more
State exam
France, 1993
Recognized in Switzerland:
Specialist medical title
France, 1993
Recognized in Switzerland:
Licence to practise
Practice locations
Docteur Pierre Coulon works at 1 location:
Surgery of pathological eyelids
Ectropion / Entropion / Ptosis / Facial Paralysis
Surgery of skin cancer and tumors of the eyelids
Reconstructive surgery for orbito-palpebral skin cancer.
Orbitopalpebral Aesthetic Surgery: Eyelids and Eyebrows
Upper/lower eyelid/ Hollow eye/ Eyebrows/ Round eye/ Lipostructure
Aesthetic facial medicine
Botulinum toxin/hyaluronic acid/skin structure: PRP peeling
Cavity surgery and strabismus in adults
Preparation of the orbit for a prosthesis / Dysgraphic strabismus in adults
Important treatments
Surgery of pathological eyelids
Botulinum toxin injection
Ectropion / entropion / ptosis / facial nerve paresis
Surgery of skin cancer and tumors of the eyelids
Reconstructive surgery for orbito-palpebral skin cancer.
Orbitopalpebral cosmetic surgery
Eyelids and eyebrows
Upper/lower eyelid/ Hollow eye/ Eyebrows/ Round eye/ Lipostructure
Aesthetic medicine of the face
Botulinum toxin/ hyaluronic acid/ skin structure: PRP peeling
Cavity surgery and strabismus in adults
Employment history
2017 - Today
Switzerland: Clinique de l'oeil Sion Valais, Clinique Lémanic Lausanne Vaud
2013 - 2017
Oculoplastic surgeon: Clinique BdC Nouméa , New Caledonia
2007 - 2017
Oculoplastic surgeon: Ho Chi Minh FV & CT Hospitals , Nha Trang
Medical associations and professional societies
Memberships of Docteur Pierre Coulon
French Ophthalmologic Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Society (SOPREF)
Valais Medical Society (SMVS)
Association Romande des Experts Médicaux (ARPEM)
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