GSMN Suisse SA - Clinique de Genolier


Medical directory

GSMN Suisse SA - Clinique de Genolier


Telephone number of the accident and emergency department: +4122 366 90 00

About the hospital

Information about the hospital:

  • Telephone: 022 366 90 00

  • Show telephone hours

  • Fax: 022 366 90 11

  • www.swissmedical.net


This hospital has 23 wards:

Hospital ward · Various medical fields

Telephone: 022 366 90 00

Show telephone hours

Fax: 022 366 90 11
Route du Muids 3, 1272 Genolier

Hospital ward · Various medical fields

Telephone: 022 366 92 78

Show telephone hours

Route du Muids 3, 1272 Genolier

Visiting times

Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.


There are no services listed for this hospital.

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