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Gynaecology and obstetrics
Gynaecology is the branch of medicine that focuses on preventative healthcare and diseases of the female body from adolescence through to old age. In particular,… Read more
Gynaecologist / Gynaecology found in Altdorf UR 11 results for Gynaecologist / Gynaecology in Altdorf UR - Information on patient admission, qualifications and contact details. Find free appointments directly online. Acceptance of new patients – please check frauenPUNKT • Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dr. med. Julia Arnold works at 1 other practice location
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check frauenPUNKT • Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dr. med. Julia Arnold works at 1 other practice location
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Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check frauenPUNKT • Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dr. med. Alexandra-Cristina Melchert works at 1 other practice location
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check frauenPUNKT • Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dr. med. Alexandra-Cristina Melchert works at 1 other practice location
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check frauenPUNKT • Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dr. med. Andrea Müller Reid works at 1 other practice location
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check frauenPUNKT • Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dr. med. Andrea Müller Reid works at 1 other practice location
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Kantonsspital Uri - Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe • Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check GynSadeq • Plätzli 2, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dipl. Ärztin Wedad Sadeq works at 2 other practice locations
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check GynSadeq • Plätzli 2, 6460 Altdorf UR
Dipl. Ärztin Wedad Sadeq works at 2 other practice locations
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Spitalstrasse 1a, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
GynSadeq Practice · Gynaecology and obstetrics
Acceptance of new patients – please check Plätzli 2, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Plätzli 2, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
Acceptance of new patients – please check Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message Acceptance of new patients – please check Spitalstrasse 1, 6460 Altdorf UR
Book appointment This practice location does not offer online appointment booking. Write message
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