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Dermatology and venereology Dermatologists focus on skin disease. They treat changes and diseases affecting the skin and the mucous membranes in proximity to the skin. Venereology deals with… Mehr lesen
Dermatology and venereology found in Bellinzona
17 results for Dermatology and venereology in Bellinzona - Information on patient admission, qualifications and contact details. Find free appointments directly online.
PD Dr. med. Helmut Beltraminelli
Head Physician · Dermatology and venereology
Erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten eine Abklärung Ihres Hautproblems bei einem unserer Partner. Schneller und günstiger als ein Termin vor Ort.
1. Foto des Hautproblems hochladen
2. Beschwerden beschreiben
3. Fachärztliche Beurteilung erhalten
Abklärung innert max. 24 Stunden
CHF 75 Fixpreis
Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Universitätsspitälern der Schweiz
Abklärung innert max. 48 Stunden
CHF 55 Fixpreis
Vergünstigung durch folgende Krankenkassen: CSS, SWICA, Sympany, ÖKK, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, Visana und Sanitas
Sie werden auf bzw. weitergeleitet. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen.
Dr. med. Gemma Caro
Senior physician · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Patrizia Carrozza Merlani
Practice doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Beatrice Cattrini
Senior physician · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Davide Donghi
Practice doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Elizabeth Gaviria Morales
Practice and hospital doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Lorenzo Grizzetti
Practice and hospital doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Caroline Guillod
Practice and hospital doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Matilde Iorizzo
Practice doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Carlo Mainetti
Practice and hospital doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Cristina Mangas de Arriba
Senior consultant · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Gionata Marazza
Practice and hospital doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli - Dermatologia
Hospital Department · Dermatology and venereology
Studio medico Dr. Mainetti / Dr. Grizzetti
Group practice · Dermatology and venereology
Studio Medico Dr. med Carrozza Merlani / Dr. med Iorizzo / Dr. med Mondino
Group practice · Dermatology and venereology
Studio Medico Dr. med. Donghi Davide
Practice · Dermatology and venereology
Studio medico Dr. med. Marazza Gionata
Practice · Dermatology and venereology