Ospidal Scuol - Center da sandà Engiadina Bassa (CSEB) - Gesundheitszentrum Unterengadin


Medical directory

Ospidal Scuol - Center da sandà Engiadina Bassa (CSEB) - Gesundheitszentrum Unterengadin


Telephone number for emergencies: 144

About the hospital

The Ospidal is an ultra-modern acute primary care hospital with a speciality that is unique in Switzerland - "Integrative Medicine". In addition to the state-of-the-art infrastructure, the Ospidal also has a complementary medicine department alongside the classical orthodox medical disciplines. Together, we can offer patients genuine "integrative medicine" at first hand, i.e. not "either or" but… Read more

Information about the hospital:

  • Telephone: 081 861 10 00

  • Show telephone hours

  • Fax: 081 861 10 01

  • www.cseb.ch


This hospital has 6 wards:

Hospital ward · Various medical fields

Telephone: 081 861 10 07

Show telephone hours

Via da l'Ospidal 280, 7550 Scuol
Telephone: 081 861 10 07

Show telephone hours

Via da l'Ospidal 280, 7550 Scuol

Visiting times

Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.


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