SPEA - Psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent - Unité ambulatoire péri-hospitalière (UAPH)


Medical directory

SPEA - Psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent - Unité ambulatoire péri-hospitalière (UAPH)


Telephone number of the accident and emergency department: +4122 372 48 57

About the hospital

Information about the hospital:

  • Telephone: 022 372 24 20

  • Show telephone hours

  • Fax: 022 372 24 30

  • www.hug-ge.ch


This hospital has 4 wards:

Hospital ward · Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy

Telephone: 022 372 48 57

Show telephone hours

Fax: 022 372 48 59
Avenue de Beau-Séjour 20, 1206 Genève

Hospital ward · Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy

Telephone: 021 314 67 10

Show telephone hours

Fax: 021 314 55 57
Rue Verte 2, 1205 Genève

Visiting times

Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.


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