HFR Tafers


Medical directory

HFR Tafers


Telephone number for emergencies: 144

About the hospital

The HFR Tafers offers services in the areas of acute medicine, geriatrics and geriatric rehabilitation. The hospital's services also include outpatient consultations, a day clinic and an emergency ward that is open around the clock. The HFR Tafers is part of the freiburger spital (HFR). This public hospital is spread over five sites (HFR Billens, HFR Fribourg - Cantonal Hospital, HFR… Read more

Information about the hospital:

  • Telephone: 026 306 60 00

  • Show telephone hours

  • www.h-fr.ch/de/unsere-standorte/hfr-tafers


This hospital has 8 wards:

Hospital ward ·

Telephone: 026 306 62 10

Show telephone hours

Maggenberg 1, 1712 Tafers

Hospital ward · Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the locomotor apparatus

Telephone: 026 306 61 10

Show telephone hours

Fax: 026 306 61 21
Maggenberg 1, 1712 Tafers

Visiting times

Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.


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