About Dr. med. dent. Daniela Alfers
I am a passionate, committed and empathetic orthodontist who enjoys my profession. My focus for children and adolescents is on prevention through early detection. Certification for Invisalign (aligners) Certification for WIN appliance (lingual technique)
Personal information:
- Acceptance of new patients – please check-
Nationality: Germany
German, French, English, Dutch, Spanish
When looking for a doctor, it is a good idea to check their qualifications. It is important that the doctor has a specialist medical title in the relevant field of treatment. Doctors that hold such a… Read more
Specialist medical title
Germany, 2011
Recognized in Switzerland:
State exam
Germany, 2004
Recognized in Switzerland:
Licence to practise
Practice locations
Dr. med. dent. Daniela Alfers works at 1 location:
Show telephone hours
Main practice location of Dr. med. dent. Daniela Alfers. She works here as a Dentist.
It is used for the early detection of tooth and jaw misalignments. This means that your child's growth can be optimally utilized for jaw correction.
Pre-prosthetic orthodontics
Adults Straightening tilted teeth can significantly improve the bite situation as part of dental restorations or as a result of dental accidents, as well as in the case of… Read more
Invisible orthodontics
Adults and adolescents Today's advances in materials and systems enable the almost invisible movement of teeth on the jaw.
There are no services listed for Dr. med. dent. Daniela Alfers.
Medical associations and professional societies
Memberships of Dr. med. dent. Daniela Alfers
Swiss Dental Association (SSO)
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