Universitäre Psych. Dienste Bern (UPD) - Ambulatorium West - Gemeindepsychiatrisches Zentrum GPZ


Medical directory

Universitäre Psych. Dienste Bern (UPD) - Ambulatorium West - Gemeindepsychiatrisches Zentrum GPZ


Telephone number for emergencies: 144

About the hospital

Information about the hospital:

  • Telephone: 031 930 45 51

  • Show telephone hours

  • Fax: 031 930 45 18

  • www.upd.ch


This hospital has 3 wards:

Hospital ward ·

Telephone: 031 930 45 51

Show telephone hours

Fax: 031 930 45 18
Morgenstrasse 83, 3018 Bern
Telephone: 031 930 45 51

Show telephone hours

Fax: 031 930 45 18
Morgenstrasse 83, 3018 Bern

Visiting times

Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.


There are no services listed for this hospital.

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