About the health facility
Information about the health facility:
- Acceptance of new patients – please check-
Fax: 031 300 80 57
Practice location
Opening hours
Please contact the location to find out the opening hours.
Doctors at this health facility
8 doctors work at this health facility:
Dr. med. Christoph Caliezi
Attending/consultant physician · Angiology, General internal medicine
This is one of several practice locations of Dr. med. Christoph Caliezi. His main practice location is: Gefässzentrum Bern VASC - Angiologie und Interventionen AG
Dr. med. Jean-Claude Ducommun
Attending/consultant physician · Radiology
This is one of several practice locations of Dr. med. Jean-Claude Ducommun. His main practice location is: Gefässzentrum Bern VASC - Angiologie und Interventionen AG
Dr. med. Hassan Hakki
Attending/consultant physician · Vascular surgery, Surgery
This is one of several practice locations of Dr. med. Hassan Hakki. His main practice location is: Gefässzentrum Bern VASC - Angiologie und Interventionen AG
There are no services listed for this practice location.
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