Klinik Engeried


Medical directory

Klinik Engeried


Telephone number for emergencies: 144

About the hospital

Information about the hospital:

Practice location


Dieses Spital besitzt 15 Abteilungen:

Hospital ward · Various medical fields

Opening hours unknown

Telephone: 031 366 31 11

Show telephone hours

Fax: 031 366 38 44
Riedweg 15, 3012 Bern

Hospital ward · Anaesthesiology

Opening hours unknown

Telephone: 031 366 31 11

Show telephone hours

Fax: 031 366 38 44
Riedweg 15, 3012 Bern

Visiting times

Visiting times unknown

Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.


In urgent cases outside opening hours, please call the emergency number:



There are no services listed for this hospital.

Is any of the information on the profile of this hospital incorrect or incomplete?

Contact Klinik Engeried
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