About the health facility
We offer advice, diagnosis and treatment of the entire spectrum of diseases of the skin, adjacent mucous membranes, hair and nails as well as sexually transmitted diseases, if necessary in close cooperation with other doctors, hospitals, laboratories and institutes in the region. The following skin diseases are among the main areas of consultation: Eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne,… Read more
Information about the health facility:
- Accepting new patients
Fax: 061 927 95 26
Practice location
Opening hours
Please contact the location to find out the opening hours.
Doctors at this health facility
3 doctors work at this health facility:
Dr. med. Christian Dietlin
Practice doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Dr. med. Christoph Strub
Practice doctor · Dermatology and venereology
PD Dr. med. Beda Mühleisen
Practice and hospital doctor · Dermatology and venereology
Get a clarification of your skin problem from one of our partners in just a few steps. Faster and cheaper than an on-site appointment.
1. Upload a photo of the skin problem
2. Describe complaints
3. Receive specialist assessment
Clarification within max. 24 hours
CHF 75 fixed price
Cooperation with leading university hospitals in Switzerland
Clarification within max. 48 hours
CHF 55 fixed price
Reduction of the price by the following health insurance companies: CSS, SWICA, Sympany and ÖKK
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