Telephone number of the accident and emergency department: +4156 486 33 02
About the hospital
The Kantonal Hospital of Baden (KSB) lies in the heart of East Aargau and offers personalized medicine of the highest standard and in a personalized environment. Our subspecialized trained medical team work closely together in an interdisciplinary centre for Obesity, Motion and Joint, Breast, Bladder and Pelvic Floor, Colon, Vascular, Tumour and Outpatient Day Theatre. Our patients gain value… Read more
Information about the hospital:
Fax: 056 486 21 29
Inpatient and outpatient services
Teaching and training institutes
Facts about the hospital
patients attended an outpatient appointment in 2019
patients were discharged following inpatient treatment in 2019
healthy babies were born in 2019
of inpatients had private or semi-private insurance cover in 2019
of inpatients had their hospital stay paid for by basic insurance in 2019
Practice location


This hospital has 28 wards:
Show telephone hours
10 Operating rooms
361 Beds
Computed tomography (CT)
Gamma camera incl. scintigraphy and SPECT scanner (CC)
Linear accelerator (LB)
Lithotriptor (LITO)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Positron Emission Tomograph (PET)
6 Birth Halls
Visiting times
Please contact the hospital or practice to find out about the visiting hours.
There are no services listed for this hospital.
Certificates help patients to be better informed about quality in healthcare. They test an organization's ability to deliver high-quality medicine, which includes administrative… Read more
Chirurgie Kategorie: A (4 Jahre)
KSB AG mit dem Bronze-Zertifikat Forum Tabakprävention und Behandlung der Tabakabhängigkeit in Gesundheitsinstitutionen Schweiz (FTGS)
Urologie an den Standorten Baden, Brugg und Limmatfeld
Brustzentrum mit dem Label der Krebsliga Schweiz
Allgemeinchirurgie und Traumatologie Kategorie: ACU spezial
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