Type certificate number: what is it?
The type certificate number helps determine the exact vehicle model. Comparis explains where to find the number and when it’s important.


1. What is a type certificate number?
The type certificate number is a unique identification number. It is assigned to a very specific type of vehicle. The number can usually be found in the vehicle registration document under point 24.
It gives garages, car insurers and road traffic offices access to important technical data about the vehicle.
It is also often referred to as the type approval number.
2. Why do I need a type certificate number?
The number is an integral part of vehicle administration in Switzerland – and has various functions and applications.
Approval and registration
The number allows the road traffic office to identify the exact vehicle type and to ensure that the vehicle complies with legal regulations.
The Federal Roads Office (Fedro) is responsible for the registration of vehicles for Swiss roads. This process is also known as “homologation”. How it works: first, the car manufacturers list the required data from the general EU registration in a document. Fedro checks the data and assigns it to the corresponding versions of the type certificate number.
Car insurance
Car insurers use the type certificate number to classify the vehicle. This allows insurers to determine the technical data and risk profile of the vehicle.
Technical inspections and maintenance
The number is also used to identify the vehicle during technical inspections in the garage and during periodic inspections at the road traffic office. The inspectors can use the number, for example, to find out which tyres are approved and whether it is permitted to attach a tow bar.
3. Vehicles without a type certificate number: what should I do?
If your vehicle registration document does not include a type approval number, there may be various reasons for this:
Old vehicle: for older vehicles registered before the introduction of the current system, some of them do not list the number in the vehicle registration document.
Imported vehicle: some privately imported vehicles may not require a type certificate number.
Newer vehicle with an electronic certificate of conformity (eCoC): more and more vehicles in Switzerland do not have a type certificate number. This is because Switzerland is currently switching to the “electronic certificate of conformity (eCoC)” system. This digital document assumes the role previously performed by the type certificate.
How to find out the type certificate number
Are you unsure whether your vehicle needs a type certificate number – or whether it already has one?
If in doubt:
Contact the cantonal road traffic office. Get in touch with the cantonal registration authority and clarify whether a subsequent registration is necessary. There is no obligation to have such a number in some cases, according to Fedro (link not available in English).
Vehicle inspection: if necessary, have the vehicle inspected by the road traffic office. This ensures that all relevant information is recorded and updated correctly.
Apply for a type certificate: where required, the road traffic office will issue you with a type certificate.
4. What else is a type certificate number for?
The type certificate number also has a number of other uses. It is always helpful when determining the exact model of a vehicle.
Buying a vehicle
When buying or selling a vehicle, the type certificate number is used to uniquely identify the vehicle model and to ensure that all the technical data is correct.
Ordering spare parts
When buying spare parts, the type certificate number is helpful in choosing the right parts that exactly match the vehicle. This avoids making incorrect purchases.
Recalls and safety notifications
Manufacturers use the type certificate number to direct recalls and safety notifications to vehicle owners. The number can be used to identify the affected vehicle types and vehicle owners and to take the necessary measures.
This article was first published on 10.07.2024