Glasses and lenses: what does basic insurance cover?

Many people in Switzerland have impaired vision. Health insurance only covers the costs of glasses and contact lenses under certain conditions.

Elena Wetli Foto
Elena Wetli


An elderly gentleman takes an eye test.

iStock / Nastasic

1.What does basic insurance pay towards glasses and contact lenses?
2.Is there a supplemental insurance product that covers glasses?

1. What does basic insurance pay towards glasses and contact lenses?

What does basic insurance pay towards glasses for adults?

Adults receive no contribution from basic insurance towards their glasses or contact lenses. Only in certain medical cases will basic insurance pay between 180 and 630 francs per year per eye towards glasses and contact lenses (according to the aids and appliances list (MiGel/LiMA) (in German, French and Italian only).

  • Changes in refraction due to conditions such as diabetes or eye muscle disorders

  • After eye operations such as cataract or corneal surgery

Glasses for babies and children: what does basic insurance cover?

In the case of children, basic insurance covers the cost of glasses on a pro rata basis. It will pay 180 francs towards the cost of glasses per calendar year. This applies until the child's 18th birthday.

If this cover isn't enough, you can take out an appropriate supplemental insurance policy (you can read more about this in the article on children's glasses and health insurance.

2. Is there a supplemental insurance product that covers glasses?

If you don't want to pay for glasses or contact lenses yourself, you can take out supplemental glasses insurance. Such cover is available for less than ten francs per month. Note, however, that it is not usually worth taking out this kind of comprehensive package simply to get a contribution towards your glasses or contact lenses.

Compare supplemental insurance

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